Dominic's Constituency Newsletter
John xxxxxx,
Tomorrow is Polling Day. You will have the chance to vote for a local councillor on Elmbridge Borough Council and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey. Remember, you now need Photo ID to vote. More on this, and the types of ID accepted, below.

With payday here, our second cut to National Insurance hits payslips this week, giving the average earner the lowest effective personal tax rate since 1975. More on this, and how much you will save, below.

In the constituency, I have been supporting riverside residents in tackling illegal moorings and Walton Bowls Club in finding an alternative site as Elmbridge Borough Council are looking to sell the land they currently lease.

In Westminster, I met with Elmbridge Eagles Head Coach, Kevin Rudd, ahead of his presentation to the All Party Parliamentary Group for Rugby League and I spoke in the Renters (Reform) Bill about the fantastic work Elmbridge Rentstart are doing working with landlords to get homeless people into rented accommodation. You can watch below.

As ever, if you are a constituent in need of my assistance, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Best wishes,

Tomorrow is Polling Day: Remember Photo ID to Vote!
Tomorrow is polling day. You will have the chance to vote for a local councillor on Elmbridge Borough Council and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey. 

Remember you now need to bring photo ID to vote. More information on the different types of ID accepted below. 
Types of ID accepted
National Insurance Contributions Cut to 8%
With payday here, our second cut to National Insurance hits payslips this week. 

Combined with the cut in the Autumn Statement, this is a tax cut of over £900 for the average worker earning £35,400. This gives the average earner the lowest effective personal tax rate since 1975.
How much will you save?
£75 Billion Defence Spending Boost

This Conservative government has announced our plan to spend 2.5% of GDP on defence by 2030. This increase in defence spending starts from now and will mean an extra £75 billion over the next six years, making the UK the biggest defence power in Europe, second only to the US in NATO.

Our increased investment will be focused on: firing up the UK industrial base, including £10 billion on the new munitions strategy, ensuring that our Armed Forces are benefiting from the latest technology, and guaranteeing our long-term support to Ukraine. We will also make sure that this new investment is spent more effectively with a radical set of reforms. 

In the Constituency
Tackling Illegal Moorings in Elmbridge
Meeting with residents on Wheatleys Eyot to discuss illegal moorings 
I recently went down to Wheatleys Eyot to meet with residents living on the island following concerns raised about illegal moorings and subsequent flooding on the island. Whilst it is good news that a number of the illegal moorings have now moved on, this is an ongoing issue for Wheatleys Eyot residents. So, I have raised their concerns with the Environment Agency directly to seek a permanent solution
Thank you to the residents for meeting with me and taking the time to show me around.
Our work to tackle illegal moorings in Elmbridge
Securing the Future of Walton Bowls Club
It was great to meet Michael and Joe from Walton Bowls Club to hear more about this terrific club in the heart of Walton, and see what I can do to support them in finding a new site.
Walton Bowls Club lease their site from Elmbridge Borough Council who are looking to sell the land. This means Walton Bowls Club are having to consider alternative sites and, at this stage, the Council has been unable to provide any suitable alternatives. I have written to Elmbridge Borough Council to ask for appropriate alternatives to be given, and to investigate if the club can stay at their current site
Walton Bowls Club, located at Elm Grove Recreation Ground, was founded in 1922. They enter teams and individuals in several Surrey leagues, Surrey County Competitions and tournaments. This year, they are hosting several open days and even an open air Elton John tribute. 
More on Walton Bowls Club
Westminster Watch
Catching Up with Elmbridge Eagles Ahead of The First Ever Wheelchair Rugby League Varsity Game 
Elmbridge Eagles Head Coach, Kevin Rudd, alongside Chris Bryde from St Mary’s University, and Piers Anthony from Brunel University
It was great to see Elmbridge Eagles Head Coach, Kevin Rudd, alongside Chris Bryde from St Mary’s University, and Piers Anthony from Brunel University, in Westminster before they presented to the All Party Parliamentary Group for Rugby League ahead of the first ever wheelchair rugby league varsity game.
Final score: Brunel 40 – 22 St Mary’s 
Thanks to Brunel and St Mary’s, with support from England Wheelchair Rugby League, Wheelchair Rugby League is set to become part of the varsity tradition.
Find out more about wheelchair rugby
Ensuring the Renters (Reform) Bill Will Enable Organisations like Elmbridge Rentstart to Continue Housing Vulnerable Residents 
Speaking in the Renters (Reform) Bill in the House of Commons
Elmbridge Rentstart has a great track record of working with landlords to get homeless people into rented accommodation. It was valuable to meet with them recently both in their office in Walton and up in Westminster to hear more about what we can do to end homelessness in Elmbridge.
One of the points Rentstart raised is the need for more housing stock so they can continue their work moving homeless people into rented accommodation. Whilst abolishing Section 21 notices provides extra reassurance to their clients, Rentstart raised concerns that it may undermine their relationship with landlords. 
During the remaining stages of the Renters (Reform) Bill in the House of Commons, the Minster provided reassurances that the reforms will not affect organisations like Rentstarts’ relationship with landlords and agreed to meet with them to discuss it further.
You can watch here
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Promoted by Suzi Coul on behalf of Dominic Raab, both at 326 Molesey Road, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 3PD
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