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May 2024
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President's Corner

Pileated Woodpecker, John Troth/Audubon Photography Awards

I am pleased to announce that our Board of Directors has recommended a new name for our organization – Northern Virginia Bird Alliance! We are excited about moving forward with this new name because it better matches our mission, our communities, and our values.

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Helping the Lovely Wood Thrush

Wood Thrush, Linnet Tse/Audubon Photography Awards

One of the most anticipated sounds of spring in northern Virginia is the exquisite song of the returning Wood Thrush.

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Humans and Trees Share a Common Enemy: Stress!

Stressed tree, Sara Holtz

We all know that chronic stress affects our health and well-being, causing us to go into “fight or flight” mode. Ongoing stress also affects the health of trees.

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Take this Survey on Invasive Plants

English Ivy on trees, N. Chadwick, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

This survey will allow us to demonstrate how important the issue of invasive plants is to Virginians and allow us to collect contact information from people who can help reach out to their legislators.

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Local Advocacy

Virginia State Capitol Building, Wikimedia user Skip Plitt via CC BY-SA 3.0

Conservation advocates lost several battles in the 2024 General Assembly, but did score a couple of wins that allow local governments to adopt some environment-friendly requirements. We can use your help in lobbying your local governments to adopt these measures.nts.

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Monthly Features

Observations from Meadowood

Eastern Carpenter Bee, Judy Gallagher

Judy Gallagher is a long-time participant in the Meadowood Recreation Area survey. Here are some of her findings.   

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Wildlife Sanctuary Almanac: Create a Mini-meadow

Mini-meadow, Margaret Fisher

Each month we'll feature timely tips and observations about engaging with nature through the seasons in your own personal wildlife sanctuary.

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Upcoming Classes and Events

We have some exciting classes and events coming up, both virtually and in-person! Click any event to learn more and register. You can also check our calendar for our full schedule of events.

Dark Skies: Lights Out for Migratory Birds
Snow Geese, USFWS Mountain-Prairie, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Join ASNV and Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy for an in-person education event to hear speakers from ASNV, Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy, and Dark Sky Friends on the importance of dark skies and Lights Out to migrating birds.

When: Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Where: Broadlands Community Center, 43004 Waxpool Road, Ashburn, VA 20148
Fee: FREE, but Registration is required


Ethnobotany and Floral Folklore with Alonso Abugattas
Native plants and trees, Alonso Abugattas

Ethnobotany is the study of how people relate to and use plants in their lives, be it for food, medicine, tools, and many other ways. Join Alongo Abugattas (The Capital Naturalist) to earn about plant folklore and how people here used locally native and commonly available plants in the past. 

When: Thursday, May 16, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Where: Virtual
Member ticket: $15
Non-member ticket: $25


Basics of Bird Anatomy with Dr. Kathleen Hunt
Bird Guide Part 2, Chas. K. Reed, Public Domain

Join us for an overview of bird anatomy with Dr. Kathleen Hunt (Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation). Review some basic external features for identification, and learn about some ingenious internal features, like the lightweight skeleton and the avian air sac system. 

When: Monday, May 20, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Where: Virtual
Member ticket: $15
Non-member ticket: $25


Audubon Afternoon and Annual Meeting: Raptor Senses and Abilities with Live Birds
Red-shouldered Hawk, Evelyn Garcia/Audubon Photography Awards

Join us Sunday, June 2, for a brief annual meeting followed by a program, “Raptor Senses and Abilities,” featuring live birds! We will gather informally starting at 2:30 PM in the cafeteria of the National Wildlife Federation Building, 11100 Wildlife Center Drive, in Reston. We welcome you to bring snacks and drinks to share. At 3:00 PM we’ll have a brief Annual Meeting where we will elect officers and directors, followed by our main program at 3:15. Our friends from Secret Garden Bird and Bees will present another entertaining and informative program and give you a chance to meet their live hawks, owls, and a tiny falcon. You might even get to take a selfie!

When: Sunday, June 2, 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Where: National Wildlife Federation Building, 11100 Wildlife Center Drive, Reston, VA 20190


Birds in Watercolor: American Kestrel with Ronna Fujisawa
American Kestrel, Ronna Fujisawa

Learn to paint an American Kestrel with watercolor artist Ronna Fujisawa in this digital art class. 

When: Thursday, June 27, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Where: Virtual
Members: $20
Non-members: $30


Bird Walks

Birding, Camila Cerea
Check this page for upcoming walks! Registration is no longer required for ASNV-sponsored walks.

Monday Nature Mystery

Louisiana Waterthrush, Darla J. Oathaut/Audubon Photography Awards

Monday Nature Mystery continues! Read on to learn who correctly identified our last mystery and see what this week's mystery holds.

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Conservation Counts

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Rusty Moran

Join Jim Waggener in his ongoing natural resource surveys at two of Northern Virginia's best birding spots. Surveys alternate between Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge and Meadowood Special Recreation Management Area on Mason Neck.

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E-Activist Network: Volunteers Needed

The National Audubon Society invites all Auduboners to join its e-activist network. When you subscribe to the Society’s newsletter, you'll receive alerts about important congressional actions and information about how you can affect legislation by contacting your members of Congress.
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Audubon Society of Northern Virginia
11100 Wildlife Center Drive
Ste. 100
Reston, VA 20190

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