
Today is May Day, also known as International Workers' Day.

But every day is a great day to celebrate and uplift workers — especially while we have the most pro-union president in the White House.

john, organized labor is having a moment.

Across the country, we’re seeing workers and organized labor mobilize and join in solidarity to fight for better wages, benefits, and working conditions.

Last month, autoworkers in Chattanooga, Tennessee, overwhelmingly voted to organize their workplace — and they recently reached an agreement securing raises, cost-of-living increases, and many other incredible benefits.

There’s more, john: a new poll shows that the majority of Americans see the decline of union membership to be bad for the country and bad for workers. That’s why we need to support organizing workers and their fight for better rights.

Workers from coast to coast are fighting for better conditions, and I will continue to do everything I can to empower this movement. From supporting the PRO Act in the Senate to calling on company leaders to level the playing field for their employees, I’m keeping up the fight to support our workers.

Here’s a great reminder for us all: When workers join together, they are often better able to secure livable wages, a safe work environment, and quality benefits for families.

In solidarity,
