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Our newsletter includes links to Irish and international publications related to alcohol, tobacco
and other drugs.
To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit our website [
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], Ireland's comprehensive substance use research library. And follow us @HRBdrugslibrary [
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Irish-related publications
Alcohol: availability, affordability, related harm, and policy in Ireland
Doyle, Anne and Mongan, Deirdre and Galvin, Brian (2024) HRB overview series 13. Dublin: Health
Research Board
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Dancing at the disco. A case for revising the Intoxicating Liquor Bill (2024) to provide for
regulation and safeguarding of underage events on licensed premises
Leonard, Paula and Ketelaar, Grainne (2024) Donegal: Alcohol Forum Ireland.
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Alcohol attitudes and behaviours in Ballymun 2011-2023.
Ballymun Local Drugs and Alcohol Task Force, Ipsos B&A. (2024) Dublin: Ballymun Local Drugs and
Alcohol Task Force
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Big alcohol: universities and schools urged to throw out industry-funded public health advice
Davies, Madlen and Boytchev, Hristio (2024) BMJ, 385. doi.org/10.1136/bmj.q851
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An exploration of organizational climate in community-based opiate prescribing services; a mixed
methods study
Kelly, Peter et al (2024) Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment, 162.
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Current management of neonatal abstinence syndrome: a survey of practice in the UK and Ireland
Dempsey, Sharon and O' Grady, Michael J (2024) Archives of disease in childhood. Fetal and neonatal
edition, 109, (3), pp. 261-264. doi.org/10.1136/archdischild-2023-326204
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A focus on adolescent substance use in Europe, central Asia and Canada. Health Behaviour in
School-aged Children international report from the 2021/2022 survey: Volume 3.
Charrier, Lorena et al (2024) Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe
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A focus on adolescent peer violence and bullying in Europe, central Asia and Canada. Health
Behaviour in School-aged Children international report from the 2021/2022 survey
Cosma, Alina et al (2024) Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe
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Being LGBTQI+ in Ireland 2024. The National Study on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of the LGBTQI+
Communities in Ireland
Higgins, Agnes et al (2024) Dublin: Belong To – LGBTQ+ Youth Ireland
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Role of the addiction clinical nurse specialist in acute hospital settings.
Lavelle-Cafferkey, Sadie and Comiskey, Catherine (2024). Nursing Standard, Early online.
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National strategic plan to improve the health of people experiencing homelessness (2024-2027).
HSE National Social Inclusion Office. (2024) Dublin: Health Service Executive
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An overview of homelessness and human trafficking in Dublin
(2024) London: The Passage
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A scoping review for evaluation of drug rehabilitation outcomes and impacts in Ireland
Hay, Gordon et al (2022) Dublin: Health Research Board.
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Gambling among children on the island of Ireland – What we know and need to know
Reynolds, Ciara (2024) Institute of Public Health
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National notifiable disease hub. [Dataset]
Health Protection Surveillance Centre. (2024)
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Hospital performance: an examination of trends in activity, expenditure and workforce in publicly
funded acute hospitals in Ireland.
Shine, Conan and Hennessy, Mark (2024) Dublin: Irish Government Economic and Evaluation Service
Research Services & Policy Unit, Department of Health.
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Sláintecare progress report 2021–2023
(2024) Dublin: Department of Health
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Women’s health action plan 2024-2025. Phase 2: an evolution in women’s health
(2024) Dublin: Department of Health
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Revenue annual report 2023
(2024) Dublin: Revenue Commissioners
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Policing Authority assessment of policing performance 2023
(2024) Dublin: Policing Authority
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National Healthcare Quality Reporting System: report 2023
National Patient Safety Office. (2024) Dublin: Department of Health
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Sport Ireland anti-doping review 2023
(2024) Dublin: Sport Ireland
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International publications
Health and social responses: drug consumption rooms. Miniguide.
(2024) Lisbon: European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
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Drug-related hospital statistics: Scotland 2022 to 2023
(2024) Edinburgh: Public Health Scotland
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GBD [Global Burden of Disease] Compare: visualisations. [Dataset]
The Lancet. (2024)
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Education and training in addiction medicine and psychology across Europe: a EUFAS survey
Bramness, Jørgen G et al (2024) European Addiction Research, Early online. doi.org/10.1159/000531502
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Mapping of training needs in South-East Europe countries and available resources related to drug
treatment and rehabilitation in prisons
Pompidou Group. Barić, Martina (2024) Brussels: Council of Europe
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Can telehealth expansion boost health care utilization specifically for patients with substance use
disorders relative to patients with other types of chronic disease?
Tilhou, Alyssa Shell et al (2024) PLoS ONE, 19, (4). doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0299397
[link removed]
Improving emergency department care for adults presenting with mental illness: a systematic review
of strategies and their impact on outcomes, experience, and performance
Austin, Elizabeth E et al (2024) Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1368129
[link removed]
The burden of prenatal and early life maternal substance use among children at risk of maltreatment:
a systematic review
Powell, Madeleine et al (2024) Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online. doi.org/10.1111/dar.13835
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Addiction audio. Season 2, 2024.
Calder, Robert (2024) London: Society for the Study of Addiction
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Childhood neglect, the neglected trauma. A systematic review and meta-analysis of its prevalence in
psychiatric disorders.
Carvalho Silva, Rosana et al (2024) Psychiatry Research, 335. doi.org/10.1016/j.psychres.2024.115881
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Children as next of kin's experiences, practices, and voice in everyday life: a systematic review of
studies with Norwegian data (2010-2022)
Ytterhus, Borgunn et al (2024) Scandinavian Journal of Public Health,
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Associations between child maltreatment and hospital admissions for alcohol and other substance
use-related disorders up to 40 years of age: results from the Childhood Adversity and Lifetime
Morbidity study
Bull, Claudia et al (2024) Addiction, Early online. doi.org/10.1111/add.16479
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Level of support and willingness to use drug checking services among people in Australia who
regularly consume illicit substances, 2022-2023
Uporova, Julia et al (2024) Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW Sydney
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Stigma, and factors associated with experiencing stigma, while visiting health-care services among
samples of people who use illegal drugs in Australia.
Sutherland, Rachel et al (2024) Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online. doi.org/10.1111/dar.13846
[link removed]
Difficulty accessing drug treatment among a national sample of people who regularly inject drugs,
Australia, 2023.
Chandrasena, Udesha et al (2024) Sydney: National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.
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The effectiveness of abstinence-based and harm reduction-based interventions in reducing problematic
substance use in adults who are experiencing homelessness in high income countries: a systematic
review and meta-analysis
O'Leary, Chris et al Harry (2024) Campbell Systematic Reviews, 20, (2). doi.org/10.1002/cl2.1396
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Improving access to general practice for and with people with severe and multiple disadvantage: a
qualitative study
Potter, Lucy C et al (2024) The British Journal of General Practice, Early online.
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Sexualized drug use and chemsex among men who have sex with men in Europe: a systematic review and
Coronado-Muñoz, Marina et al (2024) Journal of Clinical Medicine, 13, (6).
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Peer navigation: a pilot study to improve recovery capital for alcohol and other drug telephone
helpline callers.
Peart, Annette et al (2024) Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy, Early online.
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Drug and alcohol treatment for victims and suspects of homicide: report.
(2024) London: Home office and Office for Health Improvement & Disparities
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Decoding the EU’s most threatening criminal networks.
Europol (2024) Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union
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Emerging victims in contemporary drugs policing
Marshall, Hannah et al (2024) The British Journal of Criminology, Early online.
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A narrative systematic review of associations and temporality between use of methamphetamine,
ecstasy/MDMA, or cocaine with anxiety or depressive symptoms
Duncan, Zoe et al (2024) Addictive Behaviors, 153. doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2024.107988
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Harm reduction behaviours and harm experiences of people who use 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine
(MDMA) in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Whelan, Jai et al (2024) Harm Reduction Journal, 21. doi.org/10.1186/s12954-024-00979-y
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Recent increases in crack injection and associated risk factors among people who inject psychoactive
drugs in England and Wales.
Edmundson, Claire et al (2023) International Journal of Drug Policy, Early online.
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Validation and application of a method for the quantification of 137 drugs of abuse and new
psychoactive substances in hair.
Barone, Rossella et al (2024) Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 243.
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Broad evidence of xylazine in the UK illicit drug market beyond heroin supplies: Triangulating from
toxicology, drug-testing and law enforcement
Copeland, Caroline S et al (2024) Addiction, Early online. doi.org/10.1111/add.16466
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Human metabolism of four synthetic benzimidazole opioids: isotonitazene, metonitazene,
etodesnitazene, and metodesnitazene
Taoussi, Omayema et al (2024) Archives of Toxicology, Early online.
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Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and
territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990-2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of
Disease Study 2021
GBD 2021 Causes of Death Collaborators. (2024) The Lancet, Early online.
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"Everybody is impacted. Everybody's hurting": grief, loss and the emotional impacts of overdose on
harm reduction workers
Kolla, Gillian et al (2024) International Journal of Drug Policy, 127.
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Behavioural mental health interventions delivered in the emergency department for suicide, overdose
and psychosis: a scoping review.
Nugent, Shannon M et al (2024) BMJ Open, 14, (3), e080023. doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2023-080023.
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Emergency department peer support program and patient outcomes after opioid overdose
Treitler, Peter et al (2024) JAMA Network Open, 7, (3). 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.3614
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Opioid-related deaths between 2019 and 2021 across 9 Canadian provinces and territories
Ledlie, Shaleesa et al (2024) Canadian Medical Association Journal, 196, (14).
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Public health interventions and overdose-related outcomes among persons with opioid use disorder
Nataraj, Nisha et al (2024) JAMA Network Open, 7, (4). doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.4617
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Target trial emulation for comparative effectiveness research with observational data: promise and
challenges for studying medications for opioid use disorder
Christine, Paul J et al (2024) Addiction, Early online. doi.org/10.1111/add.16473
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Prevalence of comorbid substance use disorders among people with opioid use disorder: a systematic
review & meta-analysis
Santo, Thomas et al (2024) International Journal of Drug Policy, 128, (104434).
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Prevalence of opioid dependence in Scotland 2015-2020: a multi-parameter estimation of prevalence
(MPEP) study
Markoulidakis, Andreas et al (2024) Addiction, Early online. doi.org/10.1111/add.16500
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Trends in cannabis availability, use, and treatment in Australia, 2013–14 to 2021–22
(2024) Canberra: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
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Use of antipsychotic medication, benzodiazepines, and psychiatric hospitalization in
cannabis-related versus cannabis-unrelated schizophrenia - a nationwide, register-based cohort study
Hjorthøj, Carsten et al (2024) Psychological Medicine, Early online.
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Cannabidiol (CBD) products for pain: ineffective, expensive, and with potential harms
Moore, Andrew et al (2024) The Journal of Pain, 25, (4), pp. 833-842.
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Cannabidiol use in France in 2022: results from a nationwide representative sample of adults
Barré, Tangui et al (2024) Drug and Alcohol Review, Early online. doi.org/10.1111/dar.13842
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Perceptions and engagement of patients with chronic conditions on the use of medical cannabis: a
scoping review
Pomey, Marie-Pascale et al (2024) European Journal of Medical Research, 29.
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Interactive effects of alcohol and cannabis quantities in the prediction of same-day negative
consequences among young adults.
Wardell, Jeffrey D et al (2024) Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, Early online.
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Exploring perceptions of self-stigma of substance use and current alcohol and marijuana use patterns
among college students
Chentsova, Victoria O et al (2024) PLoS ONE, 19, (4). doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0301535
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Brief interventions 2.0: a new agenda for alcohol policy, practice and research
Stewart, Duncan et al (2024) Globalization and Health, 20, (1). doi.org/10.1186/s12992-024-01031-1
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'Health benefits of drinking moderately: too good to be true?'
Lecture by Professor Tim Stockwell. [Video] (2024) Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
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Alcohol-specific deaths in the UK: registered in 2022.
(2024) London: Office for National Statistics
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National and regional prevalence of interpersonal violence from others’ alcohol use: a systematic
review and modelling study
Kilian, Carolin et al (2024) The Lancet Regional Health - Europe, 40.
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The prevalence of alcohol consumption and its related factors in adolescents: findings from Global
School-based Student Health Survey
Farnia, Vahid et al (2024) PLoS ONE, 19, (4). doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0297225
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Machine learning approaches to the identification of children affected by prenatal alcohol exposure:
A narrative review.
Suttie, Michael et al (2024) Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, 48, (4), pp. 585-595.
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Characteristics of sleep in children with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure
Inkelis, Sarah M et al (2024) Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, Early online.
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Do sleep and circadian characteristics predict alcohol use in adult drinkers?
Burgess, Helen J et al (2024) Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research, Early online.
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Alcohol and economic crises
(2024) London: Institute of Alcohol Studies
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The perils of partnership: interactions between Public Health England, Drinkaware, and the Portman
Group surrounding the Drink Free Days Campaign
Maani, Nason et al (2024) International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 13. doi
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Outcomes after initiation of medications for alcohol use disorder at hospital discharge
Bernstein, Eden Y et al (2024) JAMA Network Open, 7, (3). pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38551564/
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How frequently is alcohol advertised on television in Canada?: A cross-sectional study
Pauzé, Elise et al (2024) Alcohol and Alcoholism, 59, (3). doi.org/10.1093/alcalc/agae020
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How is alcohol consumption and heavy episodic drinking spread across different types of drinking
occasion in Great Britain: an event-level latent class analysis
Holmes, John et al (2024) International Journal of Drug Policy, 127.
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Treatment of alcohol use disorder in patients with alcohol-associated liver disease: innovative
approaches and a call to action
Haque, Lamia Y et al (2024) Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 19.
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Vaping – Youth perceptions and attitudes: evidence briefing
(2024) Edinburgh: Scottish Government
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E-cigarettes and harm reduction: an evidence review
(2024) London: Royal College of Physicians
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IntEgrating smoking cessation treAtment into usual online psychological care for people with common
mEntal illness: protocol for an online randomised feasibility and pilot study (ESCAPE digital).
Blackwell, Anna K M et al (2024) Contemporary Clinical Trials, doi.org/10.1016/j.cct.2024.107541
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The effect of maternal prenatal tobacco smoking on offspring academic achievement: a systematic
review and meta-analysis
Duko, Bereket et al (2024) Addictive Behaviors, 153. doi.org/10.1016/j.addbeh.2024.107985
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Cigarette smoking and e-cigarette use induce shared DNA methylation changes linked to carcinogenesis
Herzog, Chiara et al (2024) Cancer Research, Early online. doi.org/10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-23-2957
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A systematic review on intervention treatment in pathological gambling
Moreira, Diana et al (2024) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 21,
(3). doi.org/10.3390/ijerph21030346
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Gambling among indebted individuals: an analysis of bank transaction data
Marionneau, Virve K et al (2024) European Journal of Public Health, 34, (2), pp. 342-346.
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Internet addiction management: a comprehensive review of clinical interventions and modalities
Chadha, Yatika et al (2024) Cureus, 16, (3). 10.7759/cureus.55466
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115 sacked from Defence Forces for illegal drug use in last 10 years
[Irish Examiner] O'Riordan, Sean (30 Apr 2024)
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Minister for Justice Helen McEntee addresses annual Prison Officers Association Conference
[Department of Justice] (25 Apr 2024)
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Psychosis team in Cork sees significant decrease in number of people using drugs and alcohol
[thejournal.ie] Ryan, Orla (22 Apr 2024)
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Minister for Health secures government approval to further expand the role of pharmacists
[Department of Health] (17 Apr 2024)
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More than €2m spent so far on delayed gambling authority.
[rte.ie] (13 Apr 2024)
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Minister for Mental Health and Older People announces additional €10 million in funding for mental
health services.
[Department of Health] (12 Apr 2024)
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Amid a drugs epidemic in Ireland - The new minister talks about tackling the problem
[RTE Drivetime] (10 Apr 2024)
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‘Zombie’ drug xylazine found in UK vapes – could it be here?
[RTE radio] Byrne, Claire (10 Apr 2024)
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Five murder cases linked to cannabis use in just a single year.
[Extra.ie] McCann, Debbie (07 Apr 2024)
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Germany legalises cannabis for recreational use despite opposition.
Associated Press [thejournal.ie] (01 Apr 2024)
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Women earning more than €35k annually are most at risk for babies having fetal alcohol spectrum
[Irish Examiner] Griffin, Niamh (07 Apr 2024)
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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Gambling Regulation Bill 2022: Report Stage [
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] (24 Apr)
Question 524 – Regulatory impact assessments [Alcohol Bill]. [
[link removed]
] (24 Apr)
Seanad Éireann debate. Order of business (Resumed) [Northern Ireland deaths]. [
[link removed]
] (24 Apr)
Seanad Éireann debate. Smartphone and Social Media Use: Motion [Private Members]. [
[link removed]
] (24 Apr)
Question 18, 22 & 24 – Drug dealing. [
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] (23 Apr)
Question 438 – Alcohol sales [Kilkenny/Carlow Division]. [
[link removed]
] (23 Apr)
Question 468 – Gangland crime. [
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] (23 Apr)
Question 543 – Departmental policies [FASD]. [
[link removed]
] (23 Apr)
Question 664 – Substance misuse [HHC]. [
[link removed]
] (23 Apr)
Vol. 1052 No. 5 – Road safety statements. [
[link removed]
] (17 Apr)
Vol. 1052 No.5 – Disability diagnoses [FASD]. [
[link removed]
] (17 Apr)
Question 164 – Tobacco control measures. [
[link removed]
] (17 Apr)
Question 86 – Legislative measures [Gambling]. [
[link removed]
] (17 Apr)
Question 524 – Legislative process [Gambling]. [
[link removed]
] (16 Apr)
Anniversary of the introduction of the smoking ban. Volume 1052 no.3. [
[link removed]
] (11 Apr)
Seanad Éireann debate. Road Traffic Bill 2024: Committee and Remaining Stages. [
[link removed]
] (11 Apr)
Joint Committee on Health debate. Funding and Implementation of the National Cancer Strategy:
Discussion. [
[link removed]
] (10 Apr)
Question 1360 – Departmental communications [Alcohol]. [
[link removed]
] (09 Apr)
Question 194 – Road safety [Alcohol]. [
[link removed]
] (09 Apr)
Question 275 & 287 – Illicit trade. [
[link removed]
] (09 Apr)
Question 311 – Banking sector [Gambling]. [
[link removed]
] (09 Apr)
Question 719 – Homeless persons supports. [
[link removed]
] (09 Apr)
Question 731 – Social welfare eligibility [FASD]. [
[link removed]
] (09 Apr)
Question 861 – An Garda Síochána [Seizures]. [
[link removed]
] (09 Apr)
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