We’re all counting on you…
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Liquid error: Internal error



Dear John,

It's time to sound the alarm louder than ever before: Our nation's conservative values and the Constitutional freedoms we cherish are being threatened every day by the Radical Left. But I know, like many steadfast patriots in District of Columbia and across our great country, you won't stand for this. We must rise to defend our faith and freedom—right now!


Don't be mistaken: every move we make is meticulously monitored and tirelessly targeted by groveling hacks in the partisan media, desperate to spin narratives that undermine conservative successes. We've seen their attempts to belittle and delegitimize our efforts. Yet, here we stand, unwavering and undeterred.

Our resolute Chairwoman, Elise Stefanik, tirelessly champions our pro-faith agenda and fights for our constitutional liberties, despite the media's constant smearing and the Far-Left's relentless attacks. She's become one of the Left’s favorite targets because she doesn't cave to the noise—it's a deafening siren intended to distract from our successes.

Now is not the moment for silence or passivity. It's a time for loud, decisive action. That's why I urge you to Act Now to fortify our pro-faith Republican majority. Your support can shield our cause from the false accusations and disparaging attacks that aim to shake our foundation.

Every attempt made by Radical Democrats to undermine and disrupt our conservative majority must be met with a firm, forceful, and peaceful response. Remember, it is US—proud, freedom-loving Americans—who uphold the true American spirit. Our victory is not just for now; it's a win for the historical conservative legacy.

By resolutely joining together, we can and will safeguard our pro-faith Republican majority. Consider this a call to all who believe in our mission: Do not let the Radical Left and their media allies silence us. We're counting on you, John, to take a stand!


Together, we'll keep our freedom's flame alive—burning brighter against the darkness of socialism and radicalism. Now, more than ever, your country needs your resolve. No rest, no retreat.


Alex DeGrasse
Senior Advisor to House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik

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Paid for by House GOP Battleground Fund, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Elise for Congress, E-PAC, and NY Republican Federal Campaign Committee.