Dear John,
As we approach Mother’s Day, I reflect on all the women in my family and their impact on my life. I was lucky to have many grandmother figures when I was growing up. Those special memories will stay with me forever, and I cherish every thought.

Thinking about those remarkable women gives me pause. Did you know that women have almost twice the risk of Alzheimer’s as men? That’s shocking, isn’t it?

While there is a lot of new research and initiatives aimed at understanding exactly why women suffer from this illness at higher rates, we at the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation believe that you and the women in your life don’t have to wait to begin a prevention program.
We at ARPF are at the forefront of mind/body research on memory in women. Our renowned Pink Brain™ Project study at UCLA has shown the wonderful benefits of Kirtan Kriya yoga meditation on multiple parameters of brain function, memory, mood, and well-being.

To commemorate Mother’s Day, I ask that you consider supporting our research and advocacy in honor of yourself, your mother, or any other woman who’s been meaningful in your life. We would be deeply honored to celebrate you – and them – in our work this year. Your donation will help us provide more educational programs geared toward women.

I am sending you warm wishes for a beautiful and happy Mother’s Day. I am grateful to all women for their shining examples of love and kindness.

Warmest Regards,

Kirti Khalsa

Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation (ARPF)