A Note from Wired Conservative

Dear Reader,

There's not a shadow of a doubt among cardiologists and immunologists — if you don't have enough CoQ10 in your system, your heart and immune health are in trouble.

With just a 25% drop in CoQ10 levels you can get sick.

At a 75% drop... well, let's just say you're toast.

And when it comes to CoQ10 depletion, cholesterol lowering drugs — called statins — are the #1 culprit.

But statins aren't alone.

Medications for blood sugar control, beta-blockers to help blood pressure management and even some of the most common antidepressants deplete your body's supply of CoQ10.

List of medications that deplete CoQ10. Is what you take on the list? >>

In all, over 120 prescription medications LOWER your CoQ10 levels!

Without enough CoQ10 you could be faced with illness and even a shortened life.

And most people on these medications are not replenishing their stores of CoQ10. And others that are might not be getting the true benefits they're paying for.

4 reasons most CoQ10 can't be absorbed >>

Yet over 50 years of research, a Nobel Prize, eight international symposia and 300 studies by 200 researchers in 18 countries PROVE CoQ10 is a life-saver...

One study reported in Clinical Investigation showed 94 heart patients in a row died within six months of their CoQ10 levels dropping too low.

Know this, it was not a study of 94 patients as part of a larger group. It was 94 patients in total gone after their CoQ10 dropped too low.

I can't stress enough just how dangerous CoQ10 depletion can be!

And there's a MOUNTAIN of EVIDENCE that CoQ10 is a cardiac and immune miracle worker.

Here's the exact kind of CoQ10 to look for >>

Remember, every system in your body — from muscles and immunity to organs like your heart, brain and liver — NEED the cellular energy CoQ10 provides to function properly.

Without it, your body functions break down, you get sick...

...and if not corrected, it's curtains!

I certainly don't want that to happen to you.

Why they call CoQ10 the whole body miracle worker >>

Yours for a vibrant, healthy life,

Virginia Tims-Lawson
Founder, Peak Pure & Natural®

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Wired Conservative

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