In-person voting in today’s Wisconsin primary shows why we need to allow voting from home. Sign the petition: demand national vote by mail!
Today, in the middle of a deadly pandemic, millions of voters in Wisconsin headed to the polls, after Republican state legislators refused to pass universal mail voting.
Voters and pollworkers are at risk.
The Six PAC supports progressive candidates running in rural areas, where many voters already must drive long distances to vote.
No one should have to choose between their fundamental rights and their health.
Sign the petition: demand national vote by mail now!
With health experts warning of coronavirus spreading well into November, we must not force at-risk voters to vote in person.
And if in-person voting is suspended, ballots must be sent out automatically, and voters must be given fair opportunities to correct rejected ballots.
Sign the petition: demand national vote by mail now!
Thanks for standing up.
-- The Six PAC
The Six PAC is a Federal PAC created to support six carefully selected rural and progressive Democrats. We will focus on candidates who need early money, who face tough primaries against establishment candidates, and who are committed to building power for their community. We will accept no corporate money. This is grassroots money for grassroots candidates. Chip in $3 or more to our work here.
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