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Wednesday, May 1st, 2024

Lie, Buy, and Homicide

Ira Katz

How Rand Paul and RFK Jr. Avoided the Elephant in the Room on Covid

Ron Unz

Covid Is Not a Mass Psychosis – It Is a Political Graft Machine and Posadist Ideology

Wayne Lusvardi

Put Not Your Trust in Speakers

Grant M. Dahl

Sound Monetary Policy in Under 40 Words

George F. Smith

Sermon for Gaza

Chris Hedges

Cars Used To Make Us Happy

Paul Craig Roberts

Open Crime, Hidden Villains

El Gato Malo

How Your Calcium-to-Phosphorus Impacts Your Health

Ashley Armstrong

Rumours of Our Pending Extinction Are Greatly Exaggerated


America’s Dollar Power Is Shrinking

Helena Glass

Death on the Slow

Eric Peters

Political Theatre

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