Rabobank is proudly rewarding deforestation in Brazil


Rabobank has been quietly loaning money to hundreds of Amazon destroyers!

The world needs to know about this scandal. Sign now and lets ramp up the pressure to boiling point.

 Sign the petition 


Dutch banking giant Rabobank has just been linked to off-the-scale destruction in the Amazon.

Investigators have uncovered over 700 loans made by the bank to farmers known for illegal deforestation. And its main business partner in Brazil has razed almost 8000 football pitches of pristine rainforest.

But here’s the thing – Rabobank prides itself on its reputation as an ethical lender with a “zero tolerance” deforestation policy. If we can kick up such a fuss that we threaten that reputation, we could force them to change course. Sign now:

Rabobank: stop funding deforestation!

Rabobank has been at this for a while – between 2000 and 2002 it accumulated gross profits of €717 million on activities that pose a high risk to Brazil’s precious forests and the animals and people who depend on them.

But until now it has been flying largely under the radar, waving the flag of sustainable agriculture while quietly lending to Amazon destroyers. We won’t let them do that any longer.

Brazilian authorities have collected evidence of environmental crimes and classified 326 farmers as illegal deforesters. These are Rabobank's clients who have received hundreds of loans.

The whole world needs to know about this scandal… if enough of us sign we can make this huge – and dial up the pressure to boiling point. Add your name:

Rabobank: stop funding deforestation NOW!

 Sign the petition 

Thanks for all that you do,
Vanessa, Rosa, Olivia and the team at Ekō

More information:

Rabobank And The Deforesters
Forest and Finance Times 06 November 2023




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