Week of prayer:

“The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective” JAMES 5:16

Dear supporter,

Please join with us in prayer today.


Week of prayer: Spring 2024

28 April - 4 May

Lamb surrounded by daffodils



Schools are under constant pressure to promote LGBT ideology.

“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them’” MATTHEW 19:14


Please pray:

  • Giving thanks that draft Government guidance steers English schools away from affirming a child’s belief they are the opposite sex;
  • That the guidance is not watered down, that it is fully implemented, and for its positive aspects to be replicated across the rest of the UK;
  • That the Government issues improved guidance on sex education in England in time for the next school year;
  • With thanksgiving that so many people have raised concerns over NI sex education. Pray that future guidance continues to allow parents to withdraw their children;
  • That the final version of revised sex ed guidance better recognises the importance of marriage and family;
  • That children would hear the Gospel in school and be protected from ungodly teaching.


Pray with us

Week of prayer daily video
Week of Prayer: Spring 2024     

Download the Week of prayer leaflet and find specific points for prayer and thanksgiving.



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Yours in Christ,
Ciarán Kelly
Ciarán Kelly
Acting Director
The Christian Institute