Before tonight’s critical deadline.

A Final Note from GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik Before Tonight’s End-of-Month Deadline


I’ll keep this short and simple…

We need to raise another $12,595 before the end-of-month deadline at 11:59 P.M. tonight – or we’re going to come up short and MISS our most important monthly goal yet.

To ensure all contributions have the maximum impact possible in these final hours, I’ll make sure every single grassroots donation goes FIFTEEN TIMES as far – our maximum possible match.


The Democrats are TERRIFIED by the GOP’s surging momentum.

Joe Biden even came to upstate New York recently, where he attacked me personally by name!

But what Biden doesn’t understand is that when he attacks an America First Republican like me, I’m not the only one he’s attacking…

…he’s also attacking more than 75 MILLION dedicated MAGA patriots who are fighting by my side in what is no doubt the FINAL BATTLE to save America.

No matter what Biden says or does, I know I can count on grassroots patriots like YOU to come through for me when it matters most, John.

And with only hours to go until tonight’s deadline, this is a moment where I need your support more than ever before.

So please, rush an urgent contribution before the end-of-month deadline at 11:59 P.M. TONIGHT to help us reach our goal before it’s too late.

CONTRIBUTE $25 >> $400

CONTRIBUTE $50 >> $800

CONTRIBUTE $75 >> $1,200

CONTRIBUTE $100 >> $1,600

CONTRIBUTE $250 >> $4,000


Thank you and God Bless,

Rep. Elise Stefanik
House Republican Conference Chair

Paid for by Team Elise, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Elise for Congress and E-PAC.

PO Box 500 Glens Falls, NY 12801

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