Right now, the Left is working around the clock to undermine the Supreme Court...
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Fellow Patriot,

This is Dr. Ben Carson—I'm writing to you personally because your name is on my list of Americans who cherish life and want to protect the unborn. And today I need your help.

I know you're as grateful as I am for the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe. But I'm also concerned that the pro-life movement will mistakenly think this ruling means the fight is won.

Dr. Ben Carson

Nothing could be further from the truth—the fight for life is only just beginning!

Right now, the Left is working around the clock to undermine the Supreme Court's decision while mobilizing millions of pro-choice democrats and major media outlets to codify abortion-on-demand at the expense of taxpayers like you.

We cannot allow the anti-life movement to obscure the fact that a majority of Americans (regardless of how they vote) do NOT agree that abortion should be unrestricted.

We must stand together to defend a culture of life across America. If we don't act now, I'm afraid that radicalized idealogues will continue to seize positions of power and abuse their authority to advance an anti-life agenda that is bent on the destruction of the American family.

Today, I'd like to invite you to join thousands of others who believe the sanctity of life is worth defending by adding your name to the pledge I have linked below:


By signing the pledge, you will join a thriving movement of principled citizens who are uniting to protect the unborn and refusing to be silenced by a vocal minority of radicalized fanatics.

I will do everything in my power to defend every American life and stop the spread of the Left's anti-life ideology. Will you take a minute to stand with me by signing this pledge now?

I'd like to thank you for joining this critical effort. Together, we can save thousands of lives from abortion over the next year.

Dr. Ben Carson
Founder & Chairman
American Cornerstone Institute

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