Help us protect gray wolves today.
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Gray wolf

Hi John,

The House of Representatives just voted to remove federal protection from gray wolves across the lower 48.

Without the protection of the Endangered Species Act, the wolf slaughter we're seeing in the northern Rockies will spread.

We can't let that happen.

Please make an emergency gift now to the Saving Life on Earth Fund.

Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado sponsored the bill to strip away protection from gray wolves under the Act.

Wolves were just reintroduced to her state. And Boebert can't wait to get them in her sights.

The last time wolves lost federal protection, they were hunted down in places like Wisconsin with devastating results: More than 200 were killed in just 72 hours.

We can't return to those days.

This new attack on wolves is just one of many that elected officials are taking this week against the wild. They want to undo our work stopping the Rosemont copper mine in Arizona, which would destroy critical habitat for jaguars. And they want to take away polar bears' protections against massive fossil fuel projects.

None of these hits can land. It's all part of a cynical effort to weaken the Act — the most powerful tool we've got to defend species on the brink of extinction.

Attacks on wolves and the wild are ongoing.

Our promise to you is this: Our commitment to justice for vulnerable species will not weaken. Ever.

This is our life's work. We'll stand up and fight for the wild as we always have.

But these fights are long, and we need you with us.

Please give today to the Saving Life on Earth Fund, and your donation will be matched.

For the wild,

Kierán Suckling

Kierán Suckling
Executive Director
Center for Biological Diversity


P.S. Monthly supporters who give steady gifts of $10 or $20 sustain the Center's swift and continued action to save wildlife. Do your part by starting a monthly donation.

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Center for Biological Diversity
P.O. Box 710
Tucson, AZ 85702
United States