From Republican Jewish Coalition <[email protected]>
Subject RJC E-Newsletter for April 7, 2020
Date April 7, 2020 9:30 PM
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While RJC offices are closed and our staff are teleworking, you can reach us by email or by phone (please leave a voicemail message and your call will be returned). Contact information <[link removed]> for our offices can be found on our NEW web site. Please visit us online for the latest RJC news <[link removed]>, to volunteer <[link removed]> for our 2020 outreach efforts, to see details of upcoming events <[link removed]> (when they resume), and to donate <[link removed]> to the RJC.

As we approach this most unusual Passover, the officers and staff of the RJC wish you a healthy and meaningful holiday. May we, very soon, see the end of the current plague and merit to see the full redemption of our nation and our world. 

— Featured —

Recommended Reading

With Passover nearly here, we offer our members a streamlined newsletter that highlights some of the thought-provoking news and commentary of the last few days.

Ari Fleischer, who served as press secretary in the George W. Bush White House, examines the role of the press corps in the coronavirus crisis <[link removed]>: 

Even before coronavirus, I often wondered if today’s press corps had covered the allied landing at D-Day in June 1944, if their stories would have led with the disastrous American landing on Omaha Beach, the paratroopers who dropped miles away from their targets and the submersible tanks that sunk to the bottom of the English Channel before ever touching land. Indeed, if each of these genuine military setbacks had been the lead story, the American people might have lost the will to fight the rest of the war. Which brings me to today’s press corps.

Victor Davis Hanson notes the the bad behavior of President Donald Trump's opponents (specifically Nancy Pelosi, the media, and Joe Biden) and takes them to task <[link removed]>:

For now, the media, Pelosi, and Biden, along with the Left in general, wish to perpetuate a sense of viral Armageddon to make it politically impossible for Trump to initiate a graduated plan of returning America to work. Their hope is for a summer and fall of continued lockdown, a near depression rather than a mere recession, and enough public furor to end Trump in November—while hoping that a sudden post-election end to the lockdown will allow the natural recovery of Trump’s booming economy on their watch in 2021.

This is ridiculous: China has been appointed to the UN Human Rights Council's Consultative Group <[link removed]>. The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Jiang Duan, a minister at China's mission to the UN, was selected to serve on the UN Human Rights Council’s Consultative Group, a five-nation body that plays a key role in selecting human rights investigators who will oversee abuses across the globe. With a spot on the committee, China will be in a prime position to thwart investigations into its own human rights abuses.

Bobby Ghosh writes at Bloomberg that Joe Biden's call to ease our tough sanctions on Iran is part of a pattern <[link removed]>:

The most charitable explanation for Joe Biden’s call for the easing of sanctions on Iran is that it is a combination of virtue-signaling and opportunism, the standard political admixture prescribed by spin-doctors for any campaign season... But such charity is misplaced. When it comes to the Middle East, Biden has a long history of endorsing woolly and reckless ideas, and not only when he’s run for office.

Sins of omission: The Washington Post featured a book review entitled, "A Palestinian American activist, fearless in the face of hate <[link removed]>." Nowhere in this review of Linda Sarsour's memoir, We Are Not Here to Be Bystanders, was there mention of Sarsour's incitement and endorsement of hatred against Jews.

Jonathan Tobin reminds us that this is not a Passover for despair <[link removed]>:

For most of us, this is the saddest Passover we can recall.

The coronavirus pandemic is unlike any previous trauma we’ve lived through. Nothing, not even the 9/11 attacks, brought our world to an extended collective halt the way the efforts to contain the disease has done.

...Rather than the prelude to Passover being a joyous time of preparation, vacations, or simply an opportunity to share a festive meal with family and friends, Jews are home alone, anxious and depressed.

...But for all of the gloom and doom that is overshadowing the holiday this year, it’s not the time for despair.

That’s not an easy thing to accept for people who have only lived in times of security and relative prosperity, as is certainly the case for Americans. We’re accustomed to think of pandemics as only the stuff of dystopian novels and movies. [But] a perusal of the history books ought to also encourage those inclined to despondency.

Throughout thousands of years of history, Jews have celebrated Passover under far worse conditions than our current situation.

Reminder: What You Need to Know

Please follow these steps: The President’s Coronavirus Guidelines for America <[link removed]>. 

The White House, the CDC, and FEMA have gathered important information in one easy web site at <[link removed]>. 

FEMA has guidance for how individuals and businesses can help others <[link removed]> through this crisis. 

The RJC is committed to reelecting President Donald Trump, keeping the Senate, and winning back the House. We encourage our members to participate in our outreach phonebank project to help Republicans win in November. It's easy, and you can do it from home! Here's how YOU can help: 

- Sign up to call Jewish voters from home by clicking HERE <[link removed]>. 
- Fill out all of the fields.
- Listen to the instructions and write down your username and password when a member of the RJC Victory Team contacts you.
- Make as many phone calls as you can. Everyone you speak to is a potential vote for President Trump and the GOP!


The Republican Jewish Coalition is hiring field staff for our advocacy efforts in support of President Donald Trump’s reelection in various battleground states.CLICK HERE <[link removed]> for details and application information. 


The RJC PAC has endorsed a terrific slate of House and Senate incumbents, and we need them to continue their work on Capitol Hill! CLICK HERE to donate through the RJC PAC portal and show your support for our great candidates! <[link removed]>


And don't forget your RJC/Trump kippah!
Our extremely popular red Trump kippah is now for sale for just $18. This includes shipping and handling. Supplies are limited. 

BUY YOUR KIPPAH HERE. <[link removed]>

— Tweets —

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— Events —

RJC Victory Team National Day of Action

We've just scheduled an ADDITIONAL RJC Victory Team Virtual Day of Action next week, on Monday, April 13 (all day). Here's an opportunity to reach out and connect with potential Jewish voters in Pennsylvania. Click here to sign up and join in <[link removed]>!

Then please join us for the RJC Victory Team Virtual Day of Action on Wednesday, April 22 (all day).  We'll continue our calls to potential Jewish voters in Pennsylvania, one of the key battleground states of the 2020 election cycle. Click here to sign up and help! <[link removed]>! 

We look forward to scheduling in-person grassroots events and resuming our chapter activities around the country as soon as possible. Don't forget to check our web site <[link removed]> for updates. 

We also encourage you to check out the terrific content and virtual events of our sister organization, the Jewish Policy Center <[link removed]>.

Republican Jewish Coalition - 50 F St NW, Suite 100, Washington, DC 20001, United States
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