Since the October 6th Hamas violence against Israel, Jewish students at U.S. universities have felt increasingly unsafe. This week, the increase of those being bullied and threatened has led to Jewish students and faculty being forced off U.S. university campuses. This is outrageous! The most disturbing piece is that these actions are a dangerously tolerated trend among professors, staff, and administration alike. We are ardently calling for the immediate and perminant removal of those promoting and tolerating racial hatred and violence.
Under the Secretary of Education Miguel Cordona’s authority of Title IV student protections, we are asking for the Department of Education to withhold funding from universities where these incitements are tolerated until students and staff who promote violence and racial hatred are permanently removed from the university.
Sign our petition NOW. Demand Secretary of Education Miguel Cordona permanently remove students and professors violently condoning Hamas and antisemitism from our university campuses.
We cannot let our universities become terror-nurturing institutions. Stand with us and make our universities safe havens of knowledge for every student. If our universities are unsafe for any student, they are unsafe for all. Stand with us today, lend your voice, and let's ensure our academic institutions are not hijacked by harmful forces. For the future of our children and the integrity of our nation, let's regain control of our universities. Don't let them become platforms for anti-American ideologies and a safe haven for those promoting hate of the Jewish people.
Let's DEMAND Secretary of Education Miguel Cordona to EXPEL those spreading the propaganda of terror supported hatred and violence!
Standing Strong, Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. If you have already signed, please share the petition with your friends. Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:
 Join the Fight Against Antisemitism! Demand Secretary of Education Miguel Cordona permanently remove funding to students and professors who condone Hamas and antisemitism from U.S. university campuses. Sign the petition - Defend U.S. Universitites from Terror-Supported Violence! SIGN THE PETITION |
Dear John,
Our campuses are under siege.
We've seen the shocking rise of Antisemitism and pro-terror sentiment on campuses across the country. What started at Columbia University has now spread across the entire nation. Even as classes go online, unrest is not quelled. Our institutions of higher learning are quickly becoming hotbeds of political violence.
Under the Secretary of Education Miguel Cordona’s authority of Title IV student protections, we are asking for the Department of Education to withhold funding from universities where these incitements are tolerated until students and staff who promote violence and racial hatred are permanently removed from the university.
Sign our petition NOW. Demand Secretary of Education Miguel Cordona permanently remove students and professors violently condoning Hamas and antisemitism from our university campuses.
Fundamentally our universities celebrate diversity and mutual respect.
Yet, when actions, vehemently anti-semitic and anti-American threaten individuals based on their heritage, religion, or ethnicity, it's time to draw a line. When Jewish students live under constant fear, evicted from their campuses amidst threats, it is time for our voices to be heard. Complacency and complicity among staff add fuel to the pro-Hamas sentiments and terror-driven actions. We will not remain silent.
We MUST act. Sign our petition to the Secretary of Education Miguel Cordona. Back our demand: PERMANENT removal of students and staff promoting Hamas and antisemitism.
Our national safety is at stake. Teetering on the brink of an unsettling reality, our top U.S. universities have become a breeding ground for terrorizing ideologies due to hazardous foreign funding and admission policies.
But, we can turn the tide.
By standing with our Jewish student and faculty population now, we can safeguard our educational institutions for one and all. If we fail, not only the Jewish community but the safety of our universities and surrounding cities is in peril. Success, though, means a return to civil discourse in classrooms and campuses free from terror.
There is hope, but it requires US to rise and make a colossal effort. The urgency cannot be stressed enough.
Sign our petition urging the Secretary of Education Miguel Cordona to remove Hamas and Anti-Semitic supporters from our universities PERMANENTLY. Standing Strong, Anna Derbyshire and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. Please, SHARE this petition. Our voice grows stronger with every signature. Don't let U.S. academia crumble into terror-supporting training grounds.