Dear Members and Associates,
This is an update on how to participate in the SD7 convention if you are a delegate. If you live outside of the Duluth area this email will not pertain to you.
Most of you are already good to go, but we want to make sure everyone has a chance to participate who volunteered to be a delegate during the caucus. I'll paste in the info below:
There's some confusion with the DFL's transition to a virtual SD7 convention, and we want to make absolutely sure that you can be a delegate.
1.) If you saw an email from SD7 Chair Chris Rubesch asking you to fill out a google form, and if you filled out that google form, you're all set -- just look for your ballot (by email or mail, whichever you stated was your preference) later this month.
2.) If you got a phone call from Chris Rubesch and you gave him your information over the phone, you're all set.
3.) If you haven't done either of these, you still have time! Contact Chris Rubesch at
[email protected] or 715-520-2807. Indicate whether you want an online or mailed ballot, provide your email and home addresses, say whether you are interested in going on to be a delegate at the CD8 convention, and say whether you are interested in going on to be a delegate at the state convention (and for this one you would need to say your presidential preference).
In Solidarity,
John Krumm
Twin Ports DSA