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Tuesday, April 30, 2024

■ Today's Top News 

Ilhan Omar Says GOP Calls to Put Student Protesters on Terror Watch List 'Insanely Dangerous'

Sen. Marsha Blackburn put "a target" on protesters across the country with her latest attack on them, said Omar.

By Julia Conley

Biden Restores, Expands Bedrock Environmental Law Gutted by Trump

"Today's rule restores strong environmental review of federal actions and will go a long way towards having a meaningful process to assess the health and safety impacts of an array of projects," said one campaigner.

By Jessica Corbett

Lobbyist-Dominated Plastics Talks End Without Clear Path to Production Cuts

"Despite mounting proof of plastics' enormous harm to people and the planet, the petrochemical industry and the countries that put them first are ramping up efforts to water down this treaty," one campaigner said.

By Olivia Rosane

Trump Says He Would Let States Prosecute Women for Violating Abortion Bans

"There is zero doubt in my mind that Trump will choose anti-abortion extremists and their horrifying agenda over American families every single chance he gets," said one reproductive rights campaigner.

By Jake Johnson

'Scathing Indictment' of Big Oil Lies Unveiled on Eve of Senate Hearing

The report details a "campaign of deception, disinformation, and doublespeak waged using dark money, phony front groups, false economics, and relentless exertion of political influence."

By Jessica Corbett

New Research Details How Israel Has Used US Weapons to Commit War Crimes

The report from Amnesty International USA comes ahead of a May 8 deadline for the Biden administration to certify that Israel is complying with international and domestic laws.

By Julia Conley


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■ Opinion

For Turning Our Campus Into a Mini-Police State, Indiana University's President Must Go

We needed a leader who would protect students, the values of liberalism, and this institution of learning. Instead, Pamela Whitten called in armed troopers—including those with sniper rifles—on peaceful protesters.

By Jeffrey C. Isaac

The Supreme Court Justices Colluding With Trump to 'Catch and Kill' Insurrection Case

There’s a reason the right-wing justices are eager to support Trump’s senseless arguments on presidential immunity.

By Mitchell Zimmerman

To Three of the Country’s Biggest Climate Liars: No Thanks for the Memories

The lies uttered and underwritten by the Koch brothers and ExxonMobil executives—as well as their employees and PACs’ contributions to climate science deniers in Congress—have had serious consequences.

By Elliott Negin

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