Our key endorsement is how we do it!
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Hey there, we’ve made a lot of endorsements this cycle, but one I’m particularly proud of?

Rebecca Cooke in Wisconsin’s third. She’s running against an extremist named Derrick Van Orden. Can you chip in now to help us beat him?

Here are just a few of the things Derrick Van Orden’s done:

  • Screamed at literal teenagers serving as Senate pages
  • Endorsed a national abortion ban
  • Has nothing to show for his work - his party only passed 27 bills in 2023 a record-breaking low

It’s time for new leadership in Wisconsin, and Rebecca Cooke is ready to get things done. She is loud and proud about being a Blue Dog, and the path to flipping the House runs right through the Wisconsin 3.

Rush a donation and let’s send Rebecca and Blue Dogs like her to Congress >>

-Phil Gardner
Team Blue Dogs

Blue Dogs are normal people in Congress who want to get sh*t done. We believe in freedom and we’re fighting to protect yours. We’re pro-America, pro-democracy, and working to pass fiscally responsible policies that benefit everyday, hard-working Americans.
We need your help to defeat the extemists in D.C. So, will you please chip in to help elect more normal people like us to Congress?

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