It was great seeing nearly 300 Northvillians together for the State of the Community Luncheon last week. We live in a truly special place where we have the cooperation of City, Township (Supervisor Abbo) and the School District (Superintendent Dr. Webber) working together in harmony for the betterment of all Northvillians.

In today’s newsletter, I will talk about the car culture that has been part of our DNA since the turn of last century. Northville was an automobile town long before the construction of the longest stretch of cement highway in the country, starting in Detroit and ending in Northville (built over 100 years ago!).
  • The Bicentennial Task Force next gathering will be 7PM, May 2nd at City Hall. See info from first meeting: Link
  • Cemetery Renovation (Cemeterians) next meeting will be May 9th at 7PM at City Hall. See link for material: Link 
  • State of the Community Luncheon (City/Township/School District) was 4/26. See link for slides from presentation. Link
  • Northville Chorale – Thursday, 5/2, 7PM at Marquis Theatre. An evening of “Life’s a Happy Song” including the Northville Children’s Chorale and Art House Artists (Tickets $10 now, $15 at the door). Link
  • Cars and Coffee – Saturday, 5/11, 8-10AM – Join us for the first gathering of the season, behind Old Village School next to the Library (212 W. Cady St.) – Bring a car/bring yourself/bring a friend.
  • Convertibles needed to transport dignitaries in our Memorial Day and July 4th Parades – if you have one to share that you can drive in the parade … please contact me.
  • Maybury – Wildflower Walks – 5/3 and 5/4, 10AM – Take a guided stroll through the park to see the beautiful native plants (Link). Also: Community Bike Ride – 5/8, 6-8PM – Enjoy the trails, enter to win an adult e-bike or kid’s bike and helmet (Link). And: Annual Farm Fest Fundraiser – 5/18, 10-5PM (Link)
Questions from Citizens
- The New Task Forces (Bicentennial & Cemeterian): How do I become a member?
  • Attend one of the next Meetings on 5/2 (Bicentennial) and 5/9 (Cemetery Renovations), both @ City Hall at 7PM
- Pothole Hotline (Wayne County) – Call 1-888-762-3273.

Projects Around Town
  • Ford Field – Phase I beginning (entryway, overview vista, fencing, infrastructure) Link
  • Riverwalk – Daylighting of Rouge River & River Park work has begun @ Downs Link
  • Northville Downs – Demo work has begun on the 49-acre Mixed Use development (31% greenspace) with a 10.4-acre River Park. Project Info Link & City info Link
  • Roundabout – 7 Mile and Sheldon, beginning work Spring of 2025 Link
  • Farmers’ Market – Thursdays ‘24 location-Highland Lakes Mall, finalizing future site.
  • Infrastructure – Crosswalk painting and review of roads underway


As we ready for Northville’s Bicentennial in 2027, we have seen a lot of changes in our transportation modes over the past 200 years – from horse & buggies to stagecoaches, to trains in 1871, street cars in 1899, finally transitioning to automobiles rumbling down our dirt roads in the early 1900’s.  Some noteworthy local history:   
  • NORTHVILLE AUTOMOBILE CLUB – In 1918, the Northville Automobile Club was established with 100 members. This was the precursor to the American Automobile Association (AAA) which merged with the Northville group early on.
  • SEVEN MILE ROAD – In 1929, The Detroit News reported that 7 Mile Road from Detroit to Northville was the longest paved road in the Country and was upgraded that year to be 40 feet wide, connecting these two towns for commerce and entertainment. (At one time, Detroit & Northville were ranked #1 & #2 in production in the State.) 
  • LARGEST AUTO SHOW IN MICHIGAN WAS IN NORTHVILLE – Also in 1929, to celebrate this new stretch of concrete, Wayne County Fair Grounds (the Downs) hosted the largest auto show up to that point in Michigan (Northville Record). This was the forerunner to the Detroit Auto Show and was sponsored by the Detroit Metro Dealers who displayed brands such as Ford, Chevrolet, Buick, Plymouth, Dodge, Chrysler & Pontiac, along with REO & Studebaker. More than 50 new models were shown. 
  • CAR BRANDS IN TOWN – Even early on, there were a lot of various types of cars registered in the area including: Maxwells, Oaklands, Graham-Paiges along with the traditional Ford Model-T’s and then Model-A’s. We also had our share of Mercedes Benz, Packard, & Studebaker owners in town. Most dealerships were on Northville Road and on Main Street. In 1949 after WWII, the following dealerships were listed in town:  Ford, Chevy, Studebaker, Kaiser/Frazer, Packard, Mercedes, Chrysler Plymouth & Dodge.
  • CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE OF AMERICA – This world-renowned event was previously hosted in the area featuring some of the finest and rarest cars available. It historically took place at the Inn at St. John’s golf course on the Northville/Plymouth border. Through the years, we’ve teamed up with its sponsors for displays in downtown Northville during their festival of cars.
  • LOCAL CAR SHOWS – Over time, car shows have been hosted in many places in Northville, including our downtown social district, Northville Downs, the Cider Mill, and the Mill Race Village, along with various parking lots.
  • THE ORIGINAL NORTHVILLE DOWNTOWN CARS & COFFEE takes place on the Second Saturday of every month in the surface lot next to the Library (212 Cady St.). The show is behind Old Village School (Main St.) and is sponsored by Alexander’s Custom Clothiers & the Mayor. At the show, attendees mingle with Auto Execs and other enthusiasts conversing about the eclectic array of exotics (Ford GT’s, Maseratis, Lamborghinis, Ferraris), Detroit Muscle, and a mix of sports cars & classic pick-up trucks. The next gathering will be 5/11 at 8:00 AM.
I invite you to stroll around town after attending the first Northville Downtown Cars and Coffee event of the year, the 2nd Saturday of May.  I look forward to seeing you there!

Keep that Northville Automotive Faith!
Brian Turnbull
Mayor – Northville
[email protected] / 248.505.6849

(Reach out to me anytime or forward this communication to others interested.)

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