Please respond by midnight tonight

DEVELOPING… the Biden administration has just protected more than 13 million acres across Alaska’s Arctic. This is an incredible step that will protect biodiversity, prevent destructive drilling and mining in crucial ecosystems, and preserve Indigenous communities’ cultural practices.

Now, the oil industry’s main lobbying group — the American Petroleum Institute — is threatening to challenge the decision, and oil-backed lawmakers in Alaska are lining up in support, preparing votes to overturn the protections.

A vote is now expected as soon as TOMORROW. We need this to go our way — can you help?

Please, renew your LCV membership before tonight’s crucial fundraising deadline — all it takes is $5. Your support is what helps us go toe-to-toe with Big Oil and win — don’t wait, renew right now >>



Supporter Record: Friend Friend

Fundraising Goal:
Progress to Goal: 70%

YOUR STATUS: Renew — it only takes $5 >>

Friend, corporate polluters are determined to undo each and every one of the Biden administration’s environmental policies. Here are just a few protections under threat: We have a small window of time to oppose extreme MAGA Republicans’ anti-environmental agenda before Congress heads home for the busy election season. But how hard we can fight depends on LCV members.

Please, renew your LCV membership for just $5 before tonight’s crucial fundraising deadline.


LCV Rapid Response Team
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