I asked.
Ted Lieu asked.
Hakeem Jeffries asked.
Now, I’m asking one last time, because we’re so close!

That’s how absolutely critical tonight’s End of Month Deadline is to retaking our House Majority.

John, we’re 7 hours away from my End of Month Deadline, and I only need ONE more gift from 19125 to clinch my goal, send a powerful message to House Republicans, and reclaim the majority for Democrats. Will you be the last gift I need to push me over the top in these final 7 hours? >>

John, since I became Democratic House Party Chair, your support has been incredible.

I KNOW we have what it takes to defeat the MAGA extremists and flip the House blue.

But I need to close out this month with an undeniable show of support.

So I’m asking you to have my back at this critical moment: Will you be the final supporter I need from 19125 to reach my End of Month goal?


NAME: John xxxxxx

Suggested Support: $15 >>

For every parent juggling two jobs to pay for child care…

For every vulnerable senior struggling to put food on the table…

For every American torn between going to the doctor and keeping the lights on…

I’m asking you to rush $15 before midnight to WIN back the House, defeat MAGA extremism, and LIFT up the voices that have been silenced too long.

I only need ONE gift from 19125 before midnight to clinch my goal, fend off the right-wing’s expensive attacks, and prove we have what it takes to win.

I know you’re getting a ton of emails, but this is my final ask this month: Can I count on your $15 before my critical End of Month Deadline hits at midnight? >>




Suzan DelBene is the Chairwoman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Growing up, Suzan saw her parents struggle to make ends meet. She first ran for Congress because she saw that working families like hers needed someone to have their backs.

Now, as DCCC Chairwoman, she’s leading the charge to elect Democrats in every corner of our country, stick up for every American family, and deliver real change in Washington. Will you chip in any amount before midnight to help Suzan defeat Republican extremism and flip the House?


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