What's happening with SCOTUS and the Johnson vs. Grants Pass case?

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Volunteer Appreciation

Doorways volunteers are absolutely incredible; they donate their time on weekends, overnights, holidays, and more to support the healing of Arlington survivors. We could not provide 24/7 care to our community without them, and it is amazing to witness their dedication, compassion, and perseverance on a daily basis. Thank you to all of our amazing volunteers for making our mission possible!

Volunteer Impact

  • Doorways volunteers served 8,792 hours and 1,404 shifts total in 2023 across multiple programs, including our hospital accompaniment program, children’s program, providing coverage at our shelters, doing admin work, and through special campaigns and events including Winter Wishes, MLK Day, SAAPM, and more!

  • We currently have a dedicated team of 115 active volunteers (or soon-to-be active, in the case of our latest trainees) who have undergone 40 hours of core training, plus on-the-job training, to support Doorways’ programs and clients. That’s more than twice as many as Doorways’ staff!

  • In addition to serving as a workforce multiplier, volunteers also enable Doorways to stretch our budget further by giving of their time. In 2023, volunteers expanded Doorways’ budget by $270,904.20 according to the estimated national hourly value of volunteers.

We are so grateful for all our volunteers do, and the dedication, care, and heart they bring to their roles. We appreciate each and every one of you!

Volunteer Party

We were honored to gather so many of our volunteers at our new Client Services Center during Volunteer Appreciation Week to celebrate all they do for our mission year-round!

Thank you, volunteers, for all you do for Doorways and the Arlington community! 

Special thanks to John Marshall Bank for sponsoring the party!

Volunteer Spotlight: Katharine

More than eight years ago, Katharine was browsing on VolunteerMatch when she came across Doorways’ relatively new hospital accompaniment program. Katharine says, “I felt this program, requiring a calm and reassuring presence for the survivor amidst the traumatic hospital environment, would be a good fit for my personality and my legal-advocate skill-set.”

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Interesting in Volunteering?

Please visit www.doorwaysva.org/volunteer to learn more and get started!

In the News

Arlington Chamber announces 'Best Business' finalists, including Doorways

"The Chamber received many noteworthy submissions this year, ensuring a highly competitive selection process," Chamber officials said.

Doorways is honored to be a finalist for the Best Nonprofit Award!

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Doorways on track to break records again

"The number of survivors and their children sheltered by Doorways has more than doubled in the past five years."

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Arlington crime survivors advocate Candice Lopez awarded

"Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) presented the bipartisan Crime Survivors and Justice Caucus’ Allied Professional Award to his constituent Candice Lopez of Arlington. The award recognizes the efforts of individuals, organizations, and/or coalitions that directly benefit crime victims.

Candice Lopez, MPA, is an employee of Arlington County and Coordinator for Project PEACE, a county-wide effort to prevent, identify and respond to domestic and sexual violence."

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"I believe that survivors deserve the support and the resources that they need when they need them," said Lopez. "Domestic and sexual violence is preventable – that is why I do this work. I want to thank my husband, my daughter, my family, and all those who have supported me in this work for my amazing community of Arlington which I am proud to call home."

Governor puts Virginia’s domestic violence victims in danger

"You could have heard a pin drop in the room as Lisette Johnson told the story of being shot by her husband of 21 years. It wasn’t an easy story to tell. She tells it because she cannot believe Gov. Glenn Youngkin vetoed bills that would have prevented her husband from keeping that weapon after he threatened her."

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Rocklands' Roast is SOLD OUT!

Ticketholders, we look forward to seeing you this Thursday, May 2nd!

Event Details

Arlington Unites

Join neighbors and community organizations to learn the impact of adverse childhood experiences and build connection to support youth and families.


Let's go beyond just talking and dive into actions that can make a real difference. Together, we can build a healthier and happier future for all.


Date: Saturday, May 18

Time: 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM

Location: Washington-Liberty High School, 1301 N Stafford St, Arlington, VA 22201

Register for Arlington Unites

Arlington Unidos

Únase con vecinos y organizaciones comunitarias para conocer el impacto de las experiencias adversas en la niñez y crear conexiones para apoyar a los jóvenes y las familias.


Vayamos más allá de conversaciones y actuemos para promulgar cambios positivos. Juntos podemos construir un futuro más saludable y feliz para todos.

Fecha: Sábado, 18 de mayo

Hora: 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM

Lugar: Escuela Secundaria Washington-Liberty, 1301 N Stafford St, Arlington, VA 22201

Regístrese para Arlington Unidos
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Help create pathways out of homelessness, domestic violence, and sexual assault. Give the gift of safe harbor, healing, and hope today.

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