On April 15th, the House of Representatives passed a bill targeting our fundamental rights to free speech and advocacy. The bill, aimed at curbing terrorism financing, risks the abuse of power by stifling and jeopardizing the work of nonprofits engaging in crucial advocacy. 

We must stop it before it is passed in the Senate. 

What's at Stake: The bill, SB 4136, aims to strip the tax-exempt status from organizations labeled as "supporting" terrorism, posing a significant threat to free speech and civil liberties. Its broad language and subjective criteria leave room for targeting non-profits based on ideological stances rather than evidence of terrorist support, potentially leading to unfair labeling, financial hardships, and defamation. Under the guise of national security, this bill presents a major risk of abuse of power, with organizations advocating for contentious causes facing the possibility of being unfairly targeted without due process. 

As you watch the news unfold, peaceful protests across college campuses are met with mass arrests, the only crime being the exercise of First Amendment rights. Advocates for peace and human rights are targeted, a stark contradiction in a nation built on democratic ideals. Nonprofits supporting Palestinian rights face direct threats, as challenging the status quo could lead to punishment under new legislation.

Major Concerns:

  1. Abuse of Power: Granting unilateral authority to designate organizations as terrorist supporters risks abuse, allowing subjective interpretations to target dissenting voices.
  2. Due Process: Reliance on classified information limits transparency and accountability, leading to arbitrary designations and the hindering of the affected organizations' ability to contest designations effectively.
  3. Chilling Free Speech: Fear of being labeled as terrorist supporters could silence legitimate advocacy efforts, undermining our democratic principles and stifling necessary discourse.

In a time when it is clear to law enforcement and members of Congress that the plethora of watch lists has expanded uncontrollably since 9/11, Congress moves to add another form of designated watch list groups with very little regard to First Amendment protected activity. The timing of this legislation on heals of pro-Palestinian protests in not coincidence. 

This legislation now moves to the Senate as SB 4136. Contact your members of the Senate and the President to not support this legislation.



Iman Awad, Emgage Policy Director