Hi John,


As someone who has won two statewide elections in Arizona, I can tell you that the key to success is having a strong team — and I’ve always been proud to have Jonathan Nez on mine. He’s spent his entire career advocating for rural Arizona communities, and we can count on him to do the same for our state in Congress. I’m proud to support him in his campaign for Congress, because I know he’s the right person for the job.


Before I go on, can I count on you to pitch in to help him defeat his opponent and serve Arizona in Congress?

Here’s the thing. If we want to continue creating great-paying jobs, protect our environment, and restore reproductive rights across America, we need to retake the House. And Jonathan’s race could be the seat that pushes us across the finish line


But if  we’re going to retake the House, we need the support of grassroots donors like you to flip this seat in November. Can you chip in today to help Jonathan Nez’s campaign for Congress?


Thank you so much,


Mark Kelly

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