
I understand how scary and unprecedented this time is for so many folks across the country. With headlines coming in a mile a minute, it’s hard not to feel overwhelmed. Trust me, I get it.

I want you to know that no matter what, I’m fighting as hard as I can to make sure you and your family receive the support you deserve right now.

Recently, the Senate passed the CARES Act, which provided relief for unemployed workers, small businesses, and hospitals on the frontlines of this pandemic.

As you may know, it took a lot of late night debates and work to make that happen. The first version was nothing more than a partisan slush fund for wealthy corporations and big businesses. I couldn’t vote for that.

Thanks to folks like you raising your voice, we passed an improved version that provides some relief to small businesses and hardworking families like yours. Now, I’m working to ensure these funds go directly to the people who need them -- not the President’s friends.

That’s why I’m teaming up with Senators on both sides of the aisle to demand the Trump Administration effectively implement the law we passed to combat COVID-19 in a transparent way to ensure real accountability to the American people.

Add your name next to mine to demand transparency, accountability, and independent oversight from the Trump Administration on the taxpayer-funded COVID-19 response.


I won’t let Trump dole out billions of dollars to his wealthy friends while everyday Americans struggle just to get by.

Thank you for adding your voice to this critical fight.

We will get through these dark times. We will defeat this virus. And we will do it by doing what all Montanans do -- looking out for each other.

— Jon