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Dear Subscriber,

I wanted to make sure you saw Jarrett’s note to you yesterday. 

We have the opportunity to bring on a reporter dedicated to our emergency COVID-19 beat. Report for America, a national service program, will fund half of the salary for the position. But we need to raise $20,000 to receive their matching funds.

We’re asking anyone who reads us regularly and values our coverage to help us raise the funds we need to support this critical reporting position. No donation is too small.

We're on our way to meeting the match, but need your support. Will you give today to get us closer to raising our $20,000 goal?
Yes, I want to be a part of your work.
Thank you,

Fran Reilly

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jarrett Murphy, City Limits <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Apr 7, 2020 at 9:00 AM
Subject: Re: Power Our COVID-19 Crisis Coverage
To: <<<
[email protected] >>>
Dear Subscriber,

I hope you’re staying healthy and safe. These past few weeks have been hard. We’re feeling the stress and the pain of them in our newsroom. We live, work, and are raising families in New York just like you. And as neighbors and fellow New Yorkers, we want to be there for you.

Our reporters have been working overtime to produce ongoing emergency coverage of this crisis, focusing on its impact on the most vulnerable. We've reported how the homeless, the incarcerated, senior citizens, immigrants and low-income students are faring during this extraordinary period. 

We've learned that this moment requires a deeper commitment.  The impact will remain beyond the crisis and we want to be there to give you the information and resources you need. To do that we need a full time reporter covering this. We have a chance to bring in a dedicated reporter through a unique partnership with Report for America, a national service program for journalists, that will fund half the salary for this new position.

We need to raise the other half to bring on a reporter dedicated to this beat.

Nicole Javorsky–a New York City native and veteran of Mother Jones, CityLab, and The Hill–will work to uncover hidden aspects of COVID-19's economic, social and cultural impact, while also holding the government accountable for its management of this crisis and its preparation for the next one.

Report for America will match every donation we receive, up to $20,000. To bring Nicole onto our team, we need your help to meet this match.

We’re asking anyone who reads us regularly and values our coverage to help us raise the funds we need for this critical reporting position. No donation is too small. Can we count on you?
Yes, I'll make a donation
We'll get through this together.

Thank you.

Jarrett Murphy
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