Help keep the Northeast blue!

Dear John,


While Connecticut might be considered a solidly blue state, some of our closest neighbors and allies are not. That’s why we are partnering with New Hampshire and Pennsylvania to send Connecticut volunteers to make calls and connect with voters in our nearby swing states! Can we count on you to help?

If you aren’t in a position to donate your time, please consider making a financial contribution to help this program succeed. Your donation today will be split between our parties to get out the vote this election season.

Recent polling shockingly shows many Americans don’t remember the disaster and horror of Trump’s first term. But John, you know how important it is to keep Trump and MAGA Republicans out of office. If they succeed in November, our economy, our freedoms, our liberties and our way of life will be irrevocably damaged:

  • Trump has vowed to weaponize the Justice Department to punish his political opponents.
  • MAGA Republicans have called for the reinstatement of the “Muslim Ban” and other draconian, bigoted legislation scapegoating minority populations in our country.
  • Trump could appoint up to 3 new Supreme Court Justices, impacting the American legal system for generations to come.
  • The United States would likely exit NATO under a second Trump term, diminishing our standing on the global stage and making the world a less-safe place.
  • Trump has vowed to cut taxes for his wealthy buddies, further crippling our economy and placing the tax burden on the middle class.

These are just a few of the very real and very dangerous policy proposals Trump and the MAGA movement are running on in 2024. That’s why we need Connecticut Democrats like you to get involved in our neighboring states of New Hampshire and Pennsylvania and show them we will fight for them.

Connecticut can and WILL make a difference in this election, as we have before. Thank you for your support.



Sarah Locke
Executive Director 


Contributions or gifts to the Connecticut Democratic State Central Committee are not tax deductible.


Paid for by The Connecticut Democratic State Central Committee. | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States