
for Congress

Friend --?There are nine hours left until the end of April, and we need to raise $1,000 before midnight. Will you help us reach our goal?

Ted wrote you yesterday about where we stand as we close out this month. Democrats have the momentum, but we can't let this moment pass us by.

Our team is working not just on Ted's re-election campaign but on supporting Democrats in critical?battleground districts nationwide. We won't be able to flip the House in November if we don't do the work today.

Thank you,
Team Lieu

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ted Lieu
Date: Mon, Apr 29, 2024
Subject:?Where we stand


As we close out April, let's take a moment to look at where we stand:

  • In Congress, Democrats led the fight to pass critical aid in the face of MAGA opposition.
  • In states across the country, extremist?Republicans have doubled down on their unpopular and indefensible anti-abortion policies, while Democrats are fighting to defend our rights.
  • Momentum is building for Democratic candidates up and down the ballot.

I've long said that Democrats can win in November. We have a proven record of delivering for working and middle-class families. We have always?stood up for?freedom and democracy. Our message of People over Politics?is already winning elections.

Even so, we can't take anything for granted.?


Ted Lieu for Congress ? United States
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Paid for by Ted Lieu for Congress