Last week we surveyed you and our entire list of supporters about the current state of America regarding COVID-19, the economy, the coronavirus task force, and President Trump’s job performance. After hearing from you, we are now more certain than ever that we must support President Trump’s desire to reopen the economy. And so, we wrote a letter to the President on behalf of our supporters, letting him know that Americans support his efforts to balance restarting the economy with keeping Americans healthy. Will you please add your name before we send it to him? Here’s a glimpse at your responses to our survey last week:
On the Job President Trump is Doing
On the Liberals in Congress and the Press
On Reopening the Economy
On Praying for President Trump and our Country
As you can see, our supporters want to see a more balanced approach to the coronavirus crisis. And, it’s not just our supporters – a Just the News and Scott Rasumussen Daily Poll1 released yesterday shows that among registered voters, 30% said that loss of income was the single most difficult impact they are dealing with right now as a result of the crisis. Just 4% said loss of health. While we understand the importance of the social-distancing guidelines to mitigate the spread of the virus and save the lives of our fellow Americans, it is also extremely vital that we balance that with reopening our economy – even if it means businesses must find ways to operate within the guidelines to keep people safe the way grocery stores and restaurants have done.
The left and the media have gone all-in on politicizing and weaponizing this crisis – that was foisted on the world by the Chinese Communist Party – in order to damage President Trump politically. Each and every time he so much as mentions that Americans want to get back to work, the President’s detractors hammer him for it.
We must show the President that the American people support his desires to reopen the economy. If we don’t send a loud message that we want to get back to work and we are willing to do so in a way that continues to implement the social-distancing guidelines, the President will continue getting demonized every time he suggests reopening the economy.
Unlike the rabid left and the mainstream media, President Trump is focused on putting America and the American people first. He is not using this crisis the way that the left is using it to score political points. Instead, he’s doing everything he can to safeguard the country from the virus and work towards reopening the economy – something the left actively opposes (because they would rather see suffering than see President Trump do well?).
We must do our part and show the President that we support a balanced approach to reopening the economy. Please join us in signing this letter to President Trump. In liberty,
Jenny Beth Martin
![]() Tea Party Patriots Action operates as a social welfare organization under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots Action are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. © 2020 Tea Party Patriots Action 80 M St SE, First Floor, Washington, D.C. 20003
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