Dear Friends,
This afternoon, the news broke that the Biden Administration plans to reschedule marijuana to Schedule III. This does not mean marijuana is legalized—it will remain illegal. If implemented, moving marijuana to Schedule III would give Big Marijuana billions in tax write-offs as well as continue the normalization of high-potency THC drugs in the public eye. SAM will oppose this change at every level, including, if necessary, pursuing legal action.
Click here to contribute to our scheduling legal fund.
The Administration will soon initiate a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) which means the public will have the opportunity to comment. We will need your help submitting public comments! The comments submitted are considered part of the official record and the Administration is supposed to take public comments into account before issuing a final rule. After the public comment period is over, the Administration will examine the comments and issue a final rule. If the Administration decides to move marijuana to Schedule III, then SAM is prepared to pursue legal action.
As soon as the comment period is opened, we will send you a link and directions on how to submit your public comment.
SAM has created a rescheduling page on our website that includes talking points, FAQs, and more information on the scheduling process. Our press statement can also be found here. When the link is available, we will also post the link to submit a formal comment to the Administration.
It is clear the FDA/HHS process was politically compromised, but the next step requires public feedback. Now is the time to stand up and oppose the greed of big marijuana.