James — President Biden continues to prioritize Netanyahu’s war on Gaza over his voters. He has sent more bombs that the Israeli military will use to kill more Palestinian civilians. He signed off on billions in unconditional funding for the atrocities against the people of Gaza.
From our immense sadness and anger with the U.S. government’s complicity in the murder of over 30,000 Palestinians, we’ve used the ballot box as one way to send an urgent message to President Biden: if the President doesn’t change his policies on Israel, he will lose his Democratic base in November, and give away the election to Trump.
We’ve helped bring out over 600,000 Uncommitted votes against Biden’s policies in Gaza, including tens of thousands of votes in key battleground states that could decide the election like Michigan, Wisconsin, North Carolina, and Minnesota. Now we’re reaching out to voters in Maryland before the 5/14 primary to send Biden a wake-up call, but we can only do it with your help.
Can you chip in to help us win the next wave of votes to hold Biden accountable for sending Israel bombs? Every dollar helps us call, text, and email our 137,000 supporters in Maryland — and we’re trying to hit our goal to raise $3,370 before midnight to jumpstart our voter outreach.
If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation to Our Revolution will process immediately.
Mass protests are erupting on college campuses. Courageous lawmakers like Rashida Tlaib are taking a stand for Gaza. A majority of Americans are voicing their support for ending U.S. funding for Netanyahu’s atrocities. All of this and Biden keeps sending Netanyahu bombs and billions in U.S. taxpayer dollars.
Our Revolution’s inside/outside strategy relies both on organizing in the streets and on college campuses and the work of our progressive champions in Congress. Another component of our strategy is ramping up the pressure on Biden via primaries where every Uncommitted vote is a signal to the President that if he doesn’t change course, he may lose votes in November.
Congress and President Biden have lacked moral clarity, and fueling the horrific war against the Palestinian people could wind up costing Biden the election — unless we show him he must alter his policies and stop funding the Netanyahu regime. And we need to show him that in Maryland, and bring out as many Uncommitted votes as possible.
Can you chip in now to support our work to push President Biden to Peace and end U.S. complicity in the killing of Palestinian civilians and children? We’re reaching out to voters in MD right now and every donation helps — our average contribution is just $17.73.
When we organize, we win.
Our Revolution
