Have you seen the news? Former President Donald Trump just doubled down on his dystopian vision for a second term of destroying reproductive rights. Among other plans, he wants to prosecute and punish abortion-seekers and monitor people's pregnancies.
This is about politics, John, but it's also deeply personal. We need to elect leaders who respect our bodies and our reproductive choices. It's as simple as that.
EMILYs List is in the midst of a BIG end-of-month push to help Democratic pro-choice women WIN in tough primaries this spring, and we need your help.
With your support, we CAN hit our big goal of $125,000 before midnight tonight and we CAN defeat Donald Trump again this year.
Let's do this.
- the EMILYs List team
----------Original Message---------
From: EMILYs List
Sent: Fri., Apr 26, 2024
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