John, I’ll be brief -

Our next fundraising deadline is just hours away, and with so much on the line in this November’s elections, it is critical that we have the resources to send President Trump America First reinforcements in Congress.

I am reaching out to humbly ask that you consider joining hundreds of grassroots conservatives in pitching in $10, $25, or anything you can to support our conservative campaign today.


President Trump, Jim Jordan, Kari Lake, and local  leaders in GA-03  are endorsing our campaign because they trust that I won’t flinch in the fight to secure our Southern Border and advance an America First agenda.

Any contribution  - even just $5 - will help fuel our campaign to victory in May and ensure President Trump has a conservative House Majority to reverse the damage Biden Democrats have done to our nation.

Use this secure link to donate today before midnight’s deadline -

God Bless Georgia,

Brian Jack
Republican for Congress

Paid for by Brian Jack for Congress