Our country depends on real leadership and action. In order to achieve that, I need you with me in this fight every step of the way.
I'm not done yet, Fellow American.

Just because we had a victorious primary election last month, does not mean our work is done.

You can count on me to fight every hour of every day to protect the people of Mississippi’s 4th district from Washington, D.C.’s government overreach.

But I can’t do it alone. Our country depends on real leadership and action. In order to achieve that, I need you with me in this fight every step of the way.

Will you show your support today by helping us reach our end of month goal? November might seem far away, but we must make every month count.


As the only candidate in this congressional race who serves on President Donald Trump’s Mississippi Campaign Leadership Team, I know what’s at stake in November. We must hold the House Majority and take back the White House to accomplish a Republican agenda–revive American energy production, secure the southern border, and protect the unborn and our Constitutional rights.

Your donation will have a critical impact on the strength of this campaign and ensure that America First is strong in Mississippi and D.C. That’s why I need you to chip in by $1 or $30 before midnight tonight.

Election day will be here before you know it, and with your support, we can stand together for the principles of faith, freedom, and opportunity this nation is built on.

With another month down until November, are you still with me in this fight?


Mike Ezell


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Paid for by Committee to Elect Mike Ezell