

We are on track to make record gains in the local elections. That's significant, because we know that a general election comes next. Find out more about how you can get involved and what's going on in the party 🔽


The ‘Safety of Rwanda’ Act is illegal, immoral and unworkable, according to Caroline Lucas MP. The legislations which will see asylum seekers deported to Rwanda was approved last week by parliament after Green peers played a prominent role blocking it in the Lords. Lucas said the way to stop boats crossing the Channel is to introduce safe and legal routes.

There should be a suspension of arms sales to Israel as there is clear evidence it is breaking international law. Interviewed on the Laura Kuenssberg programme after Iran launched a retaliatory attack on Israel, co-leader Carla Denyer said it was incumbent on all countries to reduce rather than to contribute to the interconnected conflict in the region.  

Co-leader Adrian Ramsay has announced Green party plans for an independent Commission to protect and restore nature. The new watchdog would be created as part of a “Rights of Nature Act” that would enshrine in law the intrinsic value of nature while also recognising how a healthy natural environment is fundamental to clean air, water and food.  


We’ve had bumper media coverage during the local election campaign and are looking forward to getting a record number of Greens elected on Thursday. Ellie Chowns, MP candidate for North Herefordshire, told the Channel 4 local elections debate in Gloucester, that rent controls should be introduced to help solve the housing crisis and there needs to be investment in local services.

As results come in, look out for the moment when we pass the 800 Green councillors mark! This significant achievement will mean we are on track to reach the strategic goal of 900+ councillors next year. Results in areas like Bristol, Stroud, Hastings, Worcester, and Maidstone in particular are worth keeping an eye on. We're hoping for record results in these areas, along with many other places where we aim to continue growth or break through to win our first seats.

If there are elections near you, remember to bring photo ID to your polling station on Thursday and vote Green, if you have not already cast a postal ballot! 

Watch out for results in Bristol City where Greens may come in to power. 


It's been a busy month for our target constituencies in the GE campaign. Former Green leader Jonathon Porritt joined Adrian Ramsay in the Waveney Valley for a week of campaigning across the new constituency. 

Natalie Bennett travelled to Brighton for an Action Day with Sian Berry’s team, which according to recent polls is on track to hold on to the seat.

Ellie Chowns was prominent highlighting pollution on the River Wye in North Herefordshire, while co-leader Carla Denyer’s campaign was buoyed by impressive performances on high profile news programmes, including Any Questions where she tackled the issue of rail privatisation.

Our next action weekend is 18 and 19 May. Want to join our teams to help elect 4 Green MPs? Sign up here:

If you can't make 18 or 19 May, check out other upcoming action days here!


Looking for a good green read? Another England by Caroline Lucas has been widely acclaimed and gone straight into the Times best sellers list. The book argues that progressive forces need to put forward more compelling stories of a fairer greener country in order to counter the rise of the populist right. Natalie Bennett has also been busy promoting her book published in March. Change Everything: How We Can Rethink, Repair and Rebuild Society has been described as “a brilliant and timely” guide to building a healthier and more sustainable world.

Natalie Bennett and Caroline Lucas at the launch of Another England. 


We need your help to get as many Greens as possible elected on Thursday. There is plenty of support for us on doorsteps. But the other parties have deeper pockets than we do and are spending millions in what's a critical elections year. Please help by making a donation to our elections campaign. 

Have a great week.


The Green Party 💚

P.S. If you have elections near you this Thursday 2 May remember to bring photo ID as you go to cast your vote. Find your polling station here


Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ