News from Representative Allred


Dear John,

I wanted to share a quick announcement on a major investment I’m helping to bring home to Texas to create jobs and help folks lower their energy bills.

Last week, Texas was awarded nearly $250 million in grant awards to deliver residential solar projects to serve over 40,000 households statewide within five years. I had urged the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to support the Texas Solar for All Coalition’s application for funding because it will significantly increase access to solar energy, create good jobs in disadvantaged communities, and help folks save on their electricity bills.


Texas is already the number one solar producer in the nation, and this will help us continue to lead.

Solar for All grants were made possible by the Inflation Reduction Act I helped pass, which lowers energy costs and helps us reach our climate goals and reduce pollution. The Texas Solar for All program will also support workforce training, support minority and women-owned businesses, and collaborate with community-based organizations.

This award is a huge win for Texas and will help folks feel the cost-saving benefits of solar. I was proud to support Texas Solar For All and will continue working toward an all of the above energy strategy to lower costs and create jobs.

You can visit this site to learn more about potential energy savings available now.


Colin Allred
Member of Congress

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