
Tennessee's state legislature just voted to bypass Congress and call the Term Limits Convention!

No matter where you live, this is HUGE for the national Term Limits for Congress movement.

We are one state closer to calling the national Term Limits Convention.

We now know how to pass our resolution through even more states.

It takes grassroots work and recruiting regular Americans of all political stripes who are willing to stand up to their entrenched U.S. Congress Members and Senators.

Now, we have to apply those lessons learned to states like Alaska, North Carolina and Louisiana that are also debating calling the Term Limits Convention right now!

Please make an emergency contribution of $5, $20, $100 or whatever you can afford to help us pass our legislation in even more states.

Today we proved that a coalition of ordinary citizens and principled leaders can beat the professional political swamp.

We just have to keep standing together and moving forward.

Immediately in North Carolina and Alaska.

But also Louisiana and a number of other states, too.

Term limits is on a roll!

Remember, Congress can't stop the states from imposing term limits on the U.S. House and Senate.

Once thirty-four states call the Term Limits Convention, the states get to write and ratify the amendment. Period!


And today we took another HUGE step towards making that happen

But we need to keep this momentum going.

So please, please, please do whatever you can.

Opponents of term limits have big money, and special interest groups have a vested interest in making sure nothing ever changes in Washington.

But, as we just proved in Tennessee, we know how to beat them.

Please make an emergency donation today.

Let's roll!


Philip Blumel



U.S. Term Limits
1250 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 700  | Washington, District of Columbia 20036
(202) 261-3532 | [email protected]

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