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In this week’s Leadership newsletter, we examine some areas of friction for the nonprofit and philanthropic sectors. First, an essay on the often unseen and unacknowledged work of Black women leaders. Next, a new report backs up what is emerging as a significant trend in philanthropy: a drop-off in donors, amid a general uptick in dollars donated. Then, we ask why the existentially important work of climate change mitigation is being underfunded. Finally, we invite readers to register for our upcoming webinar on worker self-directed nonprofits.

The Unseen Labor of Black Women Leaders

“Where I see Black women thriving and staying in leadership roles is in spaces where principles of equity and support structures are baked in.” Read more…
Call the Nonprofit “Thanks for Everything You Do” Hotline
When you need a wholesome pick-me-up and a reminder you’re making a difference, dial 812-RESILIA.
Not a phone person? Get your pep talk online at

More from Fewer: The Growing Role of Ultra-Wealthy Donors

The latest data suggests that charitable donations are increasingly becoming “hyper-concentrated among a small group of ultra-wealthy mega-donors.” Read more…
Abortion access has widespread benefits
When people can safely get an abortion, it not only improves their quality of life, but that of their families, communities, and even countries.
Download the report from Ipas

Funding Climate Mitigation: A Conversation with Michael Thatcher and Daniel Stein

Why is climate mitigation so underfunded? NPQ spoke with Charity Navigator and Giving Green about areas for help—and for hope. Read more…

Remaking the Economy: Worker Self-Directed Nonprofits in Practice

What does worker self-management in nonprofits look like—and can it work in practice? In this webinar conversation, a co-production of NPQ and the Sustainable Economy Law Center, we look at nonprofits that have implemented worker self-management and analyze both the successes and challenges inherent in sharing management authority across the entire staff. Register here…
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