NumbersUSA works for you even in this crisis "When the war broke out in 1941 I was 11 years old. Things didn't look good for us for a number of months. Then came the battle of Midway. What happened there would decide the direction of the war. By the grace of God, we won that battle and the war. Today we face another opponent who threatens our people. We need to do as we did in 1941. As before, we shall prevail." — James M. Dear John, This is one of the harder letters I've had to write as a professional. For each of us, our world has been turned upside down... for now. I hope with all the things you have to worry about -- health, your jobs, your bills, maybe you have kids home from school -- that I'm not laying another burden on your thoughts. But I want you to know that we are still here, fighting for you and all of our other members. NumbersUSA is working very hard. During this time of giant relief bills flying through Congress, our opponents are working to sneak immigration expansion into these bills. We're working day and night to knock those measures down. So far, we're succeeding. The truth is, our NumbersUSA Action still needs financial support to fight for America. We do need support, but only from those who can afford to give. I don't think I could do this job if I didn't passionately believe that I was helping people across this nation of ours. And I know that if you didn't hear from me or my colleagues, many of you would wonder, "Where is NumbersUSA? What are they doing about this crisis?" If you can give without anxiety, and you want to support our mission, As our founder Roy Beck noted in his recent letter to you, "OUR OFFICES ARE EMPTY -- BUT OUR STAFF IS FULLY ENGAGED. We have been able to run the mobilization and all of our normal programs without being in our offices... without missing a beat... Of the three dozen professionals on our team... everybody is able to work." Hilarie G. replied to Roy: "Great Note - Thank YOU ALL so much for all your great work....really appreciate you!!!!! - H." We're inspired by our members like Katherine who wrote to me: "The new Coronavirus now tells us that more than ever we must stand together or we will fail as a country... We MUST be the kind of people who care about our neighbors and friends... Our love will conquer and our country will become stronger than ever." —Katherine P. I know America is STRONG. We ALWAYS come back, and we will this time. I so well remember the turmoil of the 1970s, the agony of the attacks on America on September 11, 2001, the financial crisis that led to the Great Recession 12 years ago. These things were terrible, and yet America came back from every tragedy to build an even stronger country. WE WILL DO THAT AGAIN! But this crisis has made clear just how insane our immigration policies are. I have a friend who can't leave the North Carolina barrier island he just moved to because he would not be allowed to return if he did. But still:
Amidst this madness, we're still reasoning with Congress and the Administration. Always, the cheap labor coalition begs for MORE foreign workers. We are grateful that the Department of Homeland Security announced last Thursday that it has put a hold on a visa expansion. Their plan had been to allow 35,000 EXTRA seasonal workers (H-2B) into the U.S. this year! Thanks to thousands of NumbersUSA citizen activists who demanded last week that the DHS Secretary change his mind on this. But the normal level of H-2B visas is still being given out to bring in foreign workers to work heavily in the hospitality and landscaping industries where American workers are being massively laid off. In addition, our government continues the high volume of multi-year and permanent visas for higher-skill foreign workers as the unemployment among our own rises steadily. Crazier still, many in Congress are fighting to make sure that we keep border jumpers in America while we decide whether or not our laws permit them to stay and apply for asylum despite being caught within our borders illegally. We are doing all we can to battle for what should be evident to all decision-makers -- much lower overall immigration numbers at a time of a jobs collapse. At NumbersUSA, we do not scapegoat anyone. We don't dislike anyone. Those who work against us usually do so because it profits them. Many billionaires' fortunes are built on importing cheap workers. I know many -- probably most -- of you are feeling very anxious about your finances. I'm not asking to add to your anxieties. During this pandemic, I've taken time to watch some beloved movies. One was The Lord of the Rings, a tale where a little hobbit is on a quest to destroy evil on the earth. When the situation looks almost impossible, our hero Frodo talks with the benevolent wizard Gandalf: "I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo. "So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." — From the book and movie, The Lord of the Rings Know that all of us at NumbersUSA are here, fighting for you. Remember, I never ask anyone to give to our organization who can't afford it. I think Bromwell's thanks should go to all those of you who have given their time, energy or donations to support us. He wrote, "You have done a great service for our nation and I tremble to think of what might have transpired in the past two decades had NumbersUSA not existed and had not been able to provide focus for sane thinking on immigration and its related issues. With my thanks and also those of millions of other Americans known and unknown..." — Bromwell A. If you can give without anxiety, and you want to support our mission, Keep the faith and don't ever give up! Jim Robb P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected]. P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help. |