Fortifying abortion rights, lowering prescription drug prices and the costs of health care, supporting our veterans, protecting voting rights, and addressing ongoing affordability crises.

I often hear from my friends and neighbors that Congress is broken and not focused on the work of the people. I understand that frustration. I can assure you that despite all the chaos you hear about I am focused on the issues that matter to you:

Fortifying abortion rights, lowering prescription drug prices and the costs of health care, supporting our veterans, protecting voting rights, and addressing ongoing affordability crises.

Would you consider supporting my 2024 campaign with a donation of $3 so we can do just that?

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Let me give you a few examples.

Back in 2010, I heard nearly every day a fresh example of how our health care system was utterly broken. And so I got to work with my fellow Democrats, carefully crafting a law to begin to fix what many said was unfixable. Was the result perfect? No.

But, in the Affordable Care Act, we moved a mountain that everyone thought was untouchable.

That work continues.

I am continuing to work to lower the costs of prescription drugs. I voted to reduce prescription drug costs by letting Medicare negotiate drug prices, imposing a tax penalty if drug companies increase their prices faster than inflation, and capping the price of insulin at $35 per month.

The same is true of President Biden's infrastructure law. We identified a massive problem — a need for critical investment and job creation after some tough years of inaction. So we got to work, and got it done.

We have a lot of work ahead of us.

When the Supreme Court and extreme Republicans came after reproductive freedom, I voted no because my job is to protect your ability to make decisions about your body — and to keep the politicians, judges, and radical extremists out of it. Abortions are deeply personal medical decisions that should be between someone who is pregnant and their doctor.

Together, we sent a message to the Supreme Court that Mifepristone is a safe, effective drug used for medication abortions — and should remain legal. Abortion is health care, and people have the right to make their own decisions without government interference. This should not be political whatsoever, and a strong majority of the American people agree.

Our objectives, from supporting our veterans and protecting voting rights, to addressing ongoing affordability crises — are achievable goals — but only with your help.

A contribution of just $3 early in the Election Year can make a world of difference — will you chip in now?

In gratitude,


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