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Press Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                 CONTACT:  Delegate Neil Parrott
April 30, 2024                                                                         PHONE:  240-329-2660

Washington County – Today, the Parrott for Congress Campaign announced that Congressman Bob Good endorsed former Delegate Neil Parrott's campaign for Congress.

Congressman Bob Good indicated that, "It is my privilege to endorse Neil Parrott for Congress in MD-06.  Neil is the kind of courageous conservative warrior that we need in Congress, fighting to save our country."

Congressman Bob Good's District is located in Virginia, south of the Congressional District 6th District where Delegate Parrott is running.  Congressman Good is the is the Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus.
Delegate Parrott indicated, “I am honored and thankful to receive the endorsement from Congressman Bob Good.  He is faithful to his constituents and works to support freedom with every vote he takes."

Delegate Parrott went on to say, "It would be a privilege to serve alongside Congressman Good.  We both will work to quickly pass legislation to secure our border in order to reduce fentanyl deaths; we both will work to support law enforcement to bring down the high crime rate; and we both will work to balance the budget in order to reduce inflation so that we can help everyday American families."
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Delegate Neil Parrott · PO Box 32 · Funkstown, MD 21734-0032 · USA