Dear John,
Time is running out to stop the WHO!
I've written to you multiple times in the past year about how a proposed pandemic agreement by the World Health Organization (WHO) is a threat to America's national sovereignty and to the well-being of your family.
Thanks to your efforts, Family Research Council has been able to greatly impede its progress.
But that hasn't stopped the Biden administration's determination to sign a document that would give a group of unelected international bureaucrats unprecedented authority over the United States.
As you already know, the "agreement," in its current form, would give the UN agency authority over member nations in a growing list of circumstances, including pandemics. It would require all signatory nations, including the United States, to surrender 20 percent of all their "pandemic-related products" to the WHO and other countries, aims to create an "equity-driven" approach to campaign responses, and does not allow any exceptions.
Predictably, the agreement also doesn't define what a "crisis" is, leaving the door wide open for the WHO to abuse its authority. It even places the power to amend the agreement in the hands of a "Governing Body" constituted of unelected bureaucrats.
As if that wasn't bad enough, the agreement will also have member nations to work to prevent "infodemics," a word they use to refer to "false" or "misleading" information, which might "[lead] to mistrust in health authorities and undermines public health and social measures."
You'll recall that during the COVID-19 pandemic, some government officials used the public health emergency as an excuse to abuse their authority. In some cases, churches faced harsher restrictions than secular businesses were ordered to remain closed, while abortion facilities were deemed "essential" and could stay open. Furthermore, government officials became the arbiters of what constituted "misinformation" on social media.
Under the WHO agreement, the overreach would likely be much worse. As I said two weeks ago at a rally on Capitol Hill, we have to stop this thing in its tracks now before the Left's censorship of conservative and Christian voices takes place on a global scale.
FRC is fighting back. We've already managed to delay these attempts to erode our national sovereignty by organizing and amplifying the very voices this agreement seeks to silence. But we have to keep up the pressure if we're going to stop this agreement once and for all.
John, we need your help. Will you join us in pushing back against this global power grab?
The particularly deceptive thing about this "agreement" is that it's actually a treaty. Formal treaties require the approval of the U.S. Senate; however, the WHO rebranded this document as an "agreement," which can be approved by President Biden without the Senate's consent.
This effort to override the will of the people and erode our national sovereignty cannot be allowed to happen. We have to expose this agreement before it's too late.
We know enough about this agreement to know that it would have disastrous consequences for our nation, and given the state of America right now, we cannot afford for that to happen. This global power grab must be stopped.
The difficulty is that the WHO is working hard to obscure what's really in this document. Most people are just now finding out things that have been in the agreement for a year or more. And since the WHO has been adopting numerous amendments (without ever taking them to a vote), its content is always changing, making it a constantly moving target. The process surrounding this agreement is, itself, designed to deceive.
We have just a few weeks to stop this blatant power grab before it's too late! The World Health Assembly is meeting May 27 through June 1, where all WHO member states will be finalizing and voting on this agreement once and for all.
Ahead of next month's meeting, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services will be holding a listening session on Thursday, May 2. We want you to help us tell the Biden administration that this agreement is unacceptable. Even if you can't attend, you can still send a written comment to the administration. To RSVP for the listening session or file a comment, please click here.
FRC is working hard to expose this agreement for exactly what it is: a global power grab that wants to place unprecedented political power in the hands of a group of unelected international bureaucrats. But people have to know the truth if they are going to be able to take a stand against this overreach.
Will you help us sound the alarm and mobilize Americans across the country?
At a rally to stop this "agreement," Rep. Bob Good (R-Va.) said, "The treaty would put us under the thumb of the UN, communist China, and the WHO for whatever they wanted to declare a crisis, whether it's a poverty crisis, or a gun violence crisis or a climate crisis, or a health crisis, and make us listen to the WHO. That is not constitutional."
This agreement would grant the WHO unprecedented power to subvert our rights and liberties here at home, while subjecting our ability to respond to anything the WHO deems a "crisis" to this group of unelected bureaucrats.
It's bad enough when our own government tries to silence us! We cannot give an international organization this power.
FRC is calling on all Americans to expose the truth about this bill. Scripture tells us that we should "take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them" (Eph. 5:11).
Now is the time to boldly proclaim the truth and stop this agreement before it's too late!
FRC is committed to doing exactly that, but we need your help if we are going to stop this global power grab.
Thank you for joining us in pushing back against this urgent threat to our national sovereignty.