Your support is critical in helping Republicans hold the House, reclaim the Senate and White House, and bring back true leadership and action to Washington.

It’s getting closer, Fellow American.

Our campaign is running full speed ahead, as we inch closer and closer to primary elections on August 6th.

That’s just 3 months away.

With just less than 24 hours before May, I need to know you’re with me now more than ever.

Your support is critical in helping Republicans hold the House, reclaim the Senate and White House, and bring back true leadership and action to Washington.

I need you to make an end of month contribution today to show your support as we get another month closer to this crucial campaign milestone.


Just $5, $10 or whatever you can will help us reach our end of month goal. Will you show your support and help us put the power back in the hands of hardworking individuals like you to build a healthy economy and a stronger Michigan?

I’m doing my part each day defending the values that serve as the backbone of our country, now I need you to do yours.

Your support is crucial in the success of this campaign, and I need to know you will be standing alongside me all the way through.Will you continue to show your support and join me in this fight?


Tim Walberg


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