

In the past 16 months I have uncovered evidence proving a massive web of lies told by Joe Biden about his family's business dealings with our enemies around the globe.


And I have some good news, the American people are waking up to his lies and seeing him for the compromised Commander in Chief that he is.


Now, with less than 200 days until the election, we must do everything we can to debunk his lies and make sure every voter knows the truth about the Biden Crime Family.


There will be no “fact checks” during the debates to save face for Biden, because my investigation has set the record straight.


But before that happens, we have a huge end of month goal for April, and we’re pacing 25% behind last month.


If you can’t afford to help, please don’t even consider it.


If you can support our efforts, I’d be honored to have you on the team.

In Courage,


James Comer

Chairman, House Oversight Committee

Paid for by Comer for Congress

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