Hello Neighbor,  

I hope you’ll join me on Monday, May 13th in Riverview for another Coffee and Conversation event. This is a great chance for us to come together to discuss community priorities across District 4 and what you want from your state government.   

I’m excited to discuss important issues with all of you, and I hope to see you there! 

WHEN: Monday, May 13 from 4 to 5 p.m. 
WHERE: Riverview Public Library, 14300 Sibley Road, Riverview, MI., 48193  

For more information, click here.  

Until we meet, please feel free to reach out to my office here if you have any questions or comments on legislation, community issues, or any matter that is important to you.  

As always, my team and I are here to serve you and provide any assistance available.  

In Solidarity, 

Darrin Camilleri
State Senator
District 4

As an elected representative, I believe in being readily available and transparent because my office is your office.

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