John, I only reach out when it’s important, so believe me: this couldn’t be more critical. My friend Suzan DelBene is just 13 hours away from her End of Month Deadline – and as of 11am, she still needs 1,574 gifts to reach her goal.
Ted Lieu

John, I only reach out when it’s important, so believe me: this couldn’t be more critical.

My friend Suzan DelBene is just 13 hours away from her End of Month Deadline – and as of 11am, she still needs 1,574 gifts to reach her goal.

As Democratic House Party Chair, Suzan is leading the fight to take back our House majority – but she needs our help. That’s why I’m rallying Democrats nationwide today to help Suzan outraise Republicans before her major fundraising deadline in 13 hours. Will you step up with $15 so she can rush critical resources where they’re needed most, bring this win home, and hand Republicans the crushing defeat they so richly deserve? >>

I’m not afraid to say it, John:

We can never – EVER – allow Republicans to hold full power in our government again.

After watching Republicans incite an insurrection on our Capitol when they lost…

After watching them elect Mike Johnson, the most radical Speaker in our country’s history…

After watching them protect Donald Trump from being held accountable for his lawlessness...

John, I’m not about to stand by and watch these Republicans OUTRAISE and OUTSPEND us to buy their way into power again.

That’s why helping Suzan have a historic showing of support before her End of Month Deadline as Democratic House Party Chair is so downright critical.

If just 1,574 Democratic patriots step up in the next 13 hours, we’ll have the resources to close our budget gap, replace every last extremist with a strong Democrat, and bring this win home.

Suzan’s critical End of Month Deadline as House Democratic Committee Chair is in 13 hours, and I’m not stopping until she has every last penny she needs to flip the House blue. I know we can get this done, John. So I’m personally asking: Will you chip in $15, help us reach 1,574 gifts for Suzan, and hand Republicans a massive loss in this election? >>

Thank you,
Ted Lieu


Suzan DelBene is the Chairwoman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Growing up, Suzan saw her parents struggle to make ends meet. She first ran for Congress because she saw that working families like hers needed someone to have their backs.

Now, as DCCC Chairwoman, she’s leading the charge to elect Democrats in every corner of our country, stick up for every American family, and deliver real change in Washington. Will you chip in any amount before midnight to help Suzan defeat Republican extremism and flip the House?


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