From [email protected], Nancy Pelosi <[email protected]>
Subject please
Date April 30, 2024 2:19 PM
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I emailed on Saturday.
I emailed on Sunday.
I emailed on Monday.
Now, I’m reaching out again — because today's End of Month Deadline couldn’t be more critical.

Our Democrats are just FOUR seats away from taking back our House Majority — and top political analysts just upgraded our chances in FOUR critical races. I need your immediate help to take advantage of this incredible swing in our direction, sweep every single swing district, and take back the House from extremist Republicans. Will you rush in $15 before the LAST deadline of the month in 14 hours? >> [[link removed]]

MAGA Republicans are panicking — and I don’t blame them.

– We shut down their fabled “red wave” and handed them one of the smallest Majorities in history.

– Top analysts just declared 14 House Republicans as “toss-ups” — and we only need to win back FOUR to flip the House blue.

– And the latest poll showed our Democrats surging into a 1-point LEAD! [[link removed]]

House Republicans know their chances of holding on to power are slipping away — that’s why they just announced a $38 MILLION haul to defend their most vulnerable members and flood the airwaves with disgusting smears against our Democrats. I won’t stand for it — and I need 3,397 grassroots Democrats to show them once and for all that they can’t buy themselves another two years in power. Will you rush in $15 before the critical End of Month Deadline in 14 hours? >> [[link removed]]

Chip in $15 now >> [[link removed]]
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Chip in another amount >> [[link removed]]

Thank you,

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Nancy Pelosi's PAC to the Future is focused on electing a powerful slate of progressive champions up and down the ballot.

Nancy is working tirelessly to undo Trump and Republicans' horrific damage, but she can't do this alone. Can she count on your help to ensure Democrats WIN?

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Paid for by PAC to the Future, 700 13th Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC, xxxxxx. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
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