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Issue #1008
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1) Fake News Alert: Trump and His Advisors Want to Devalue the Dollar

Politico recently put out a fact-free story a week or so ago that keeps rolling back like a bad penny.

Here is what Politico "reported":

"Economic advisers close to former President Donald Trump are actively debating ways to devalue the U.S. dollar if he’s elected to a second term…  The idea is being discussed by former trade chief Robert Lighthizer — a potential Treasury secretary pick for Trump and the architect of the former president’s bruising tariff campaign against China — and policy advisers allied with him, according to three former Trump administration officials granted anonymity to discuss confidential policy plans."

Now Paul Krugman has picked up the story and ran with it without checking the facts

The story is ALL made up. We've been working with Trump on the economic issues and with his top confidants like Kevin Hassett and Larry Kudlow from his first term. None support this policy. Even Lighthizer, who is rightly worried about currency manipulation by Japan and China, tells us he doesn't support dollar devaluation.  

There IS legitimate concern about currency manipulation by China and Japan of late. But Trump has said over and over that he wants the dollar to retain its status as "the world reserve currency." Any devaluation would put that status in harm's way while making inflation worse.  

There is NO secret Trump plot to devalue the dollar. Hard stop.  
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2) U.S. Leads World in Carbon Emission Reductions

Stop us if you’ve heard us report this in 2021, 2022, and 2023, but it bears repeating again: no country has reduced its carbon dioxide emissions more than any other major nation on a per capita basis.

Even though our GDP is about 50 percent higher than China’s, our per capita emissions are roughly the same – though theirs go up every year and ours have come down every year over the last decade.

Most of you also know that our carbon dioxide emissions are falling because we are using more natural gas than ever. So naturally the Biden administration wants to end natural gas. 

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3) Politicians Beware: “Net Zero” Promises Are a Danger to Your Job

Another European leader has just been booted from office after latching his political fortunes to the promise of Net Zero CO2 emissions.  

Humza Yousaf of the Scottish National Party had long been a cheerleader for Net Zero, and in 2019 his party’s government became the first in the world to declare a climate emergency. It then announced a “legally binding” plan to reduce emissions in Scotland by 75 percent by 2030. 

Yousaf became Scotland’s First Minister last year, and last month even Britain’s own Climate Change Committee declared his radical anti-fossil fuels plan “beyond credible.” The wheels quickly came off of his green dreams, which would have disrupted agriculture production, manufacturing, and reliable electricity.  

Part of his plan was to install 24,000 EV charging plants to help replace gas cars, but only 4,000 were ever installed. Sound familiar?

So Yousaf scrapped the 2030 target, which earned him the rage of his Green Party coalition partner, which then backed a no-confidence vote against him. He resigned just before the vote and now his party is likely to be thrown out of office in the next election.

It’s a reminder that decarbonization is a sure recipe for shortening political careers and making a country poorer. 
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4) Elite Democrats Say It’s OK to Cheat in Election to Defeat Trump

One of our goals at CTUP is to root out election fraud - and our senior fellow, John Fund, is at the tip of that spear rooting out election fraud.

What’s scary is that the “cultural elite” on the left now admit that they think cheating is justified if it’s necessary to stop Trump from winning the election.

Readers will recall that earlier this year we released our landmark Them v. U.S. study with Scott Rasmussen on the elite 1% and their extreme views. The majority of these liberal elites from top universities believe there is too much freedom in America and that we should ban air conditioning and most air travel. 

Rasmussen recently used the same sampling technique and asked: "Suppose that your favorite candidate loses a close election. However, people on the campaign know that they can win by cheating without being caught. Would you rather have your candidate win by cheating or lose by playing fair?"

The percentages who said cheat-to-win were:
  • All voters: 7%
  • Elites: 35%
  • Elites who talk politics daily: 69%
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5) Jerry Seinfeld Mourns the Death of Comedy in America 

Jerry Seinfeld's comedy show dominated 1990s television for nine seasons.

He’s now repeating a complaint we’ve been making for years: the left in America has outlawed comedy. Nothing on TV or on the big screen is funny anymore. 

“People always need comedy,” he told "The New Yorker Radio Hour" last week. “They need it so badly and they don't get it. It used to be you would go home at the end of the day — most people would go, Oh, 'Cheers' is on, Oh, 'M*A*S*H' is on, Oh, 'Mary Tyler Moore' is on, 'All in the Family' is on."

"You just expected there'll be some funny stuff we can watch on TV tonight. Well, guess what? Where is it? Where is it?"

What happened? Seinfeld blames the loss on “the extreme left, PC crap and people worrying so much about offending other people.” He’s not the first to complain. Mel Brooks says he couldn’t have made the iconic comedy movie "Blazing Saddles" in today’s PC world. Even episodes of "The Office" and "Friends" now carry warnings – that content may offend some audiences.  

Progressives are not just wrong on economics but killjoys when it comes to culture. What is needed is a TV show that makes relentless fun of leftist idiocy. Now that would be hilarious and there would be no shortage of material to parody. 
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6) So This Is What You Get for $70,000 Annual Tuition

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