Your Pro-Life Vote Matters Now More Than Ever!

The stakes of the 2024 “primary elections” are sky-high. Abortion has become the leading issue for every single race up and down the ballot in Georgia - including non-partisan races - putting everything on the line - again.  

Non-partisan races are determined now. This means this election isn’t just for primary elections; the general election for judges is NOW.  

The critical election for Georgia Supreme Court Justice could determine the future of the LIFE Act (a.k.a. Heartbeat Bill.)  

Andrew Pinson for Georgia's Supreme Court

John Barrow launched his campaign for the highest court in our state for one reason and one reason only.  

From The Headlines:

Well-funded, Big Abortion and their activists are pouring into our local communities to elect their pro-abortion candidates.  

“I am honored to have the endorsement of Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates. Their ability to get out the vote will elect pro-choice candidates all across the state,” said John Barrow, Candidate for Georgia Supreme Court. “I’m running because we need Justices on the Georgia Supreme Court who will protect the right of women and their families to make the most personal family and healthcare decisions they'll ever make."

Early Voting Has Started!  

Vote early and Vote Pro-Life Your Entire Ballot!

Primary elections carry much more weight than you might think.  If we want to build on Georgia’s pro-life victories over the last several years, we must vote all the way to the end of the ballot for pro-life candidates in every 2024 election. With your help, will preserve and grow Georgia's pro-life legacy.

Check here for your early voting location and times.  

Vote Early.  Then call, text, email, and share GLA’s social media with your circle of influence to remind them of the importance of voting Pro-Life!

three men in suits and ties holding an award

As the state affiliate to the National Right To Life, Georgia Life Alliance Committee is the largest pro-life advocacy group in Georgia and offers the most trusted gold standard in Georgia elections. Check their soon-to-be-updated list of certified candidates before you go vote so that you know which candidates are pro-life champs! (Judicial candidates exempt to preserve the judicial code of ethics.)